{Timeskip because I explained this before and I'm lazy}

When Ozpin finished his story, the girls had different reactions. Ruby had her head buried in her hands and was openly sobbing. She felt bad about pushing him away and getting annoyed that he was around. She thought that he didn't believe in her but in reality he was only trying to keep a promise to her mother. She even remembered a little of what he was like before. He was a loner for the most part before her mother died. She felt like a useless leader and sister for not seeing his pain.

Blake felt horrible for thinking he was so shallow. She joined the White fang before because faunus like her were being discriminated against but here she was doing the same to a guy she didn't even bother to get to know aside from what was technically required of her. Sure he his what he was really like but she of all people shouldn't judge him for that...

The person who felt the worst however was Weiss Schnee. She took every opportunity to belittle him for his behavior and now she learned it was basically a coping mechanism. In fact she couldn't think of a single conversation between the two of them that was in anyway pleasant. 

Ruby: What can we do to help them headmaster? 

Ozpin: Well honestly, aside from ceasing the derogatory behavior towards him, their isn't much you can do. The damage is done and now it's up to him to heal in his own way. For now give him some space and when he gets back, I'll talk to him about what he plans to do in regards to his behavior going forward. From what I understand, he most likely will not hide his true self anymore. 

Weiss:... We're we really that bad... 

Ozpin sighs and takes a long swig from his coffee.

Ozpin: While you girls have been... less than helpful with him, it wasn't all you remember. In fact his problems go much farther and deeper. All you did was break the dam and honestly, it could have happened in a way much worse than this. I shudder to think what could've happened if this transpired in a spar in ms.goodwitch's class. 

Blake: is he really that much stronger?

Ozpin: Yes. He would likely give even a third year or even a pro hunter a run for their money if he got truly serious.

Weiss: Why does he push himself so hard?! Is he trying to get himself killed?!! 

Ozpin: I don't think even be knows the answer to that. 

Blake: When will he return?

Ozpin: A week at the latest. 

Ruby shuffled her feet and was sniffling had tears leaking from her eyes. She felt personally responsible for Yang's condition. He felt like the sacrificial piece of the team. Then an idea hit her. 

Ruby: Ozpin... Would it be possible to make him the team's leader?

The other two girls gasped while Ozpin's eyebrow was raised in curiosity.

Ozpin: And why would you want that ms.Rose? What does that accomplish?

Ruby: You said he feels like he is easily replaceable right? If he is our leader, he might not be as reckless. You said it yourself, he is more mature and level headed then I am anyway. 

Ozpin: Is that all?

Ruby: ...No after all this I don't feel like a leader anymore...

Ozpin was silently debating whether or not this would be a good idea to himself. On the one hand, it's true that it may help Yang out with his problems and in combat situations he is vastly more qualified to deal with it due to his personal training. In the other hand, heaping more responsibility into him could backfire and send him to an anxiety attack. That and one of the reasons that he made Ruby the team leader is due to the fact one of the greatest teams to come out of his school was her mother's and since she was so much like her Ozpin thought she would grow into the leader position. After a few minutes of silence, Ozpin made his choice.

Ozpin: When he returns I will speak to you all about this with him present. If we do this behind his back, it will feel like pity, and that would set is back. I'll let him decide is that ok with you girls?

The girls nodded and left the room hoping that they made the right decision. After they left Ozpin took another dip of his coffee only to find it empty.

Ozpin: Fuck I need a vacation...


A/n hey guys I'm not dead. Sorry for the long wait but typing this with my good arm in a cast is a pain. Turns out that tumbling off a cliff leads to injuries. Who knew! I was hiking with my family on vacation and I slipped off the path and into a steep ditch and in the process I got a compound fracture. Gravity sucks... I'll try to update as soon as possible but please give me awhile. 

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