Fire Pit

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- In this universe, the incident in which Spike gained the ability to talk never occurred. Therefore, he doesn't speak here. He is, however, more intelligent than an average pet. Basically, the Spike we all know, minus the talking.

- The paragraphs written in all italics are flashbacks, and all of them happened during the duration of the Friendship Games. They occur in inverse chronological order.

- Please go easy on me, remember I'm not an excellent writer and that I haven't done this in a while, but I wanted to share this story in written form, for a comic would've taken too long.

Flash stared at the field as the teams from Canterlot High and Crystal Prep were getting ready. The flag hunting was about to begin. Principal Cinch was with them, giving a speech to the group in the cold and calculating matter in which usually did.

Flash was sitting in the first row of the bleachers with his friends, Micro Chips and Sandalwood, each one on either side of him. He looked at Twilight from time to time, but he was mostly staring blankly at the ground that was about to host the last event of the Friendship Games. Both of Flash's friends could tell how upset he was. He held his head down, a frown drawn upon his face, as he mentally replayed what had happened a few hours earlier.


After a terrible wave of magic had accidentally been unleashed by Twilight at the Friendship Games rally, Sunset approached her in a heat of rage, and began furiously screaming at her. Flash was all too familiar with his ex-girlfriend's wrath. He had been at the receiving end of several of them while he and Sunset were dating. Sure, she may not be as much of an evil mastermind as she used to be back then, but her essence remained, and part of that essence included an amazing capability of harming with her words. He had forced himself to be strong enough to bear with her cutting words several times. But he had come to know Twilight well enough to realize that she wasn't going to.

"You're supposed to be so smart," Sunset yelled in Twilight's face, "But you shouldn't be messing with something you don't understand!"

"But I want to understand!" Twilight cried, her voice broke and tears began forming in her eyes. That's what made Flash realize that he had to step up.

"Leave her alone, Sunset! She didn't do it on purpose."

"Stay out of this, Flash! This is none of your business." Sunset replied as she turned to glare at him.

Flash frowned at her. "Well, given that I'm helping Twilight with her research that led her to unintentionally gathering all that magic... I'd say yes, this is of my business," he explained.

"You're WHAT?!" Sunset stomped over to him. "Flash, you don't have any experience with magic, either! But unlike her, you've seen how insanely dangerous it can get when it's uncontrolled!"

"Yes, I have. I know this is probably not the brightest of ideas, but you shouldn't be so hard on Twilight for wanting to understand something she's interested in."

Sunset walked behind Flash in order to face Twilight once again. "I should if that something puts the life of my friends in danger!"

Twilight sniffed, and the tears started to roll down her cheeks. "I'm sorry" she sobbed, ashamed of her actions, "I didn't mean to..."

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