an avocado??? thaaaaaaaaaaaanks

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"Have fun shopping~" Tord cooed as Edd shot a glare at him.

Tom sighed, leaning back into the couch. Tord sat across from him. They were sticking rather far from each other. Well, sort of. They were on the opposite sides of the couch. Despite that, Tord had swung his feet on top of cushions, feet uncomfortably close to Tom's legs.Well, to Tom, at least.

"I physically do not understand why you two aren't coming with us. It's less fun with the two of us!" Matt pouted, crossing his arms. He leaned against Edd's shoulder as they awaited in the hallway. They were acting as though they were expecting one of the two to change their minds.

"Hey, I've been working more often." Tom threw his hands up in surrender, rolling his eyes. "You can't blame me for that."

"Okay, that's actually fair, considering the fact that you're poor."


"But what's Tord's reason?"

"Tom leaves me alone and hides out in his room, so I basically get the house to myself." Tord shrugged, grabbing the remote from the coffee table and changing the channel.

"You mean you watch Cold War and communist documentaries the whole time?" Tom asked snarkily, not even bothering to look up from his phone as he pulled it out of his sweatshirt pocket.

"Alright, bitch. Just because I have the brains to try and expand my knowledge doesn't mean you need to mock me," Tord hissed right back. He kicked Tom's leg, though it wasn't that hard of a kick.

"If you touch me again, Tord, I will fucking cut you," Tom growled out in warning, eyes flicking up to the Norse's smug face. "And don't make that facial expression. You look like an idiot. Well, then again, you always do."

"Alright, I'm gonna break this fight up before it gets too serious. If I come back with something broken, both of you are gonna be in trouble. Got it?" Edd warned, a single hand on his hip as Matt nodded, the action vigorous.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Tom grumbled to himself. Tord saluted Edd like an idiot as the brunet turned, giving them a slight wave.

"Have fun," he remarked, Matt following right behind him.

"Have fun!" Matt repeated, not understanding Edd's salty tone.

"We won't," Tord called as the garage door slammed shut. Tom didn't bother to say anything, typing on his phone, fingers moving fast. His eyes flickered up to Tord the moment the outside garage door opened and closed.

Tord's eyes were trained on him, a single eyebrow raised.

"What?" Tom spat, moving his phone out of the way, his back pressed against the arm of the couch.

Tord shifted, moving closer until his shadow fell on top of Tom, towering over the poor boy.

"What?" Tom repeated, eyes narrowing as he brought his already tucked in legs closer to him. Tord licked his thumb, causing Tom to immediately hiss, "If you touch me with that, I swear to god--"

Of course, his words stopped tumbling from his mouth when he wiped it on Tom's neck, smearing his makeup.

Okay, that didn't happen to be the complete truth. Tom used very little; the marks had almost completely faded away. They were an ugly yellow on his skin instead of the usual purple.

"You need to wash this off," Tord said with a hum, looking down at his thumb. "You'd look prettier, showing off all your marks." He moved his hand out of the way, looking down at Tom with a smug smirk.

Tom snorted, hands on Tord's chest as he pushed the Norwegian away. "Yeah, and you'd be prettier if you didn't talk." He glared up at Tord, a frown covering his adorable little face. Of course, Tord wouldn't mind if Tom wore nothing but a frown.

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