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Calum's POV:

Fucking Luke. He had to ruin the moment didn't he?

Once Ellie saw him standing there looking like he wanted to stuff a pillow down my throat, Ellie had gotten up and told me she was going to have a shower before she awkwardly walked off to the bathroom leaving me to just chill on her bedroom floor.

I quickly jumped up and fixed up her bed sheets and made her bed for her. I turned to walk out of her room when I bumped into luke who was standing at the doorway.

Man this kid needs to speak up when he enters a room, he just gave me a fucking heart attack! I thought to myself.

"Really Cal? Making her bed for her? How much more obvious do you wanna make it that you wanna get in her pants?" Luke asked with a hiss of venom in his voice.

But what he said really bugged me and made me fairly angry.

How dare he think that I was just being nice to Ellie for sex? I mean sure I liked her in that way but there was no way I was just trying to use her for sex!

"You know what Luke, unlike you I'm actually not using Ellie for sex. I actually really like her man, and I know you do to but at least I can actually hold a proper conversation with her whereas you just get shitty and jealous, expecting her to come running back to you like your her boyfriend. News flash for you Luke, you're not!" I said raising my voice getting really pissed.

Luke looked like he wanted to punch me. He put his hand on my chest pushing me backwards. "Calum you're such an ignorant asshole. You see something you want and you just fucking jump the que and steal it away". He whispered angrily. "I'm not using Ellie for sex either and I've liked her a whole lot longer then you have so just back off." He finished, turning his back to me and started to storm out of her room.

"You've got a funny way of showing it." I called out after him.

He simply flipped me his middle finger and about 10 seconds later I heard the front door slam.


Ellie's POV:

I just stood there frozen listening as Calum and Luke argued. After hearing what Luke said about Calum just using me for sex I became really paranoid. I relaxed as soon as I heard Calums response back.

I started to do my little happy dance when Calum admitted he liked me. I strained my ears to hear what Luke was saying but he was pretty much whispering. Damn you Luke.

I was just about to continue down the hall way and stroll into my room casually like if heard nothing when I had to quickly step back, hiding my self in the shadow of the wall as an extremely angry looking Luke Hemmings stormed out of my bedroom and down the stairs before the front door slammed only seconds later.

Luckily I had decided to get changed and do my makeup in the bathroom because I literally turned on my heel and ran down the stairs and out the front door after him.

No idea why...


I called out Luke's name from the front door, I could see him about to get into his car. His face kinda changed when he looked up and saw me and gave me a small smile, only a small one but hey it was still a smile.

I ran down the front steps and caught up with him at his car.

"Where are you going?" I asked slightly out of breath.

Luke laughed and put a strand of hair that had fallen out of my messy bun behind my ear.

I tried to convince myself that I didn't look like a tomato. Yeah good luck with that Ellie.

"I was gonna head out and get some coffee, Calum's been irritating me. Wanna come with?" He asked shyly.

Well this was a new Luke. Usual Mr confident has gone awkward.

"Yeah sure" I said running around the other side of the car to hop in the passengers seat.

Man Michael's gonna be mad..


I just wanted to thankyou for... 44.5K READS! LIKe hOLY SHIT BALLS WHOAAA.

alsoo sometimes when I update I'll choose a follow to dedicate each chapter to, it's usually someone who stands out and this chapter I'm gonna dedicate tooooo.....


bc she's fckin hilarious and idk i just love her. So chuck her a follow💖

don't forget protection & remember I love you

-hailey x

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