Chapter 43: The ex- continued

Start from the beginning

"Fine." Dean speaks. He really can manipulate anyone.

I walk over to the bar, and pull out a sugar-free Redbull. I shouldn't drink this, but this is dire times. I chug it. While I do, I hit the panic button. It's a silent alarm, that alerts our guards, staff, hackers. Anyone at the mansion. It's in case all else fails. Tom, me and Roman are the only ones who know about it. It also flips on the lights in the building, so it looks like a light switch. Several false alarms, and faulty concealing. I've meaning to get it switched to something different.

"Seriously? Redbull, you could have anything, and you chose Redbull?" One of the guys questions.

"Shit! You bitch!" Dean yells storming to me. He goes to punch me, but I dodge it. "Redbull will keep her awake! She wants to fight! I'll give you a fight!" He goes in to grab me, I back up, but hit the wall. He grabs me, when i try to get past him, and he throws me, from behind the bar. Why do I have to be so tiny, and easily thrown?

I scramble to get up when I land on my side. Carpet burns suck. I just need to wait until the calvary arrive. Just 20 minutes of stalling.

"Dia, kick his ass!" I hear Lilliana yell. Then a slap. I glance over to see a red mark appear on her face.

"Come on Diamond. You can take him!" One of my other girls yells. She gets slapped as well. All my girls start yelling for me. Then mem who are holding them, cover their mouths with their hands.

"When her husband gets here, you guys are in for it." My quietest girl finally speaks up, she is laughing sinisterly. Its nerve racking. She gets slapped. "You over sized bafoon, hot me again I dare you!" She spats in his face. She has some spunk.

Dean is stalking towards me. "Just you and me, no help from your buddies, just you and me Dean." I call out. "Show me what a real marine is made of, or do you need your buddies help to beat a girl." I mock him. He gets angry. Good, I want him angry.

"She's mine, no one interferes!" He growls out. I smirk, just what I wanted. I can feel my energy being restored.

Dean goes to punch me. I dodge, he goes to punch while I dodge, and I block it. I send an uppercut to his stomach. He stumbles back a bit. He really hates losing. He takes a breath, to calm himself. He goes in for a punch, but I see his feet shift for a kick. It's a fake out. I do nothing to block the punch, but grab his leg when he kicks. I send an elbow to his face when I knock him off balance.

"Your foot movement is still sloppy." I mock him.

He goes in for a kick again, but I see it's another fake out, only reverse this time. I block his punch, but my feet get swept out from underneath me. I'm laying on my back, and he is straddling me. I'm blocking punches to my face. I try throwing him off, but he counters my throw. My heart is beating erratically, the Redbull is messing with my heart. I don't know how much more I can take. I hear the front glass shatter. He doesn't stop. I hear guns cock.

He stops punching. He is trying to choke me. I'm struggling to keep his hands off my neck. I punch him in the eye. He goes to punch me again, but is thrown off of me. I am scooped up off the floor.

Its Roman. I grab onto him. My legs wrap around his waist. My arms around his neck. My heart feels like hummingbird wings.

"I need a downer, now!" I whisper to him.

"What?" He questions.

"I had to get my adrenaline up. I used Redbull. My heart. I need a downer. Now." He nods, he yells. I feel a pinch in my arm. My heart rate slows. I can breathe. I lean back, and look at him. I kiss him.

"Told you, you are all in deep shit now!" Lilly, my quiet girl taunts. Then I hear a slap. I see she has slapped the man who slapped her.

"Y-y-you ar-are R-R-" my ex husband starts to stutter. I slide down my husband and stand up. I face him. He is being held by two guards.

"Roman Luvano. My husband." I say with Roman having an arm on my waist. Then everything goes black.

Roman's POV:

I got to Gold key with about 30 guards, and Dia's brother. All the lights are one, I see my men on the ground, including Tom. I'm praying they are not dead. I see some of the girls being held by other men. The club is swarmed with these men. The door is locked. We have to bust it open. I'll get the glass fixed.

My men draw their weapons. I see Dia, my Kitten on the ground, with a man on top of her, punching. He is going for her throat now. She lands a punch on to his eye. He goes to punch her, but I get there in time to throw him off. I grab my Kitten up. She clings to me, like I'm a life raft. She tells me her heart is messed up from Redbull. She had to do something that drastic to stay alive. I call for the injection I have as a just in case. It's basically her heart meds. The man who was trying to hurt my Kitten is stuttering. Kitten slides down me, but I keep an arm around her.

"Roman Luvano. My husband." She spars at the man. She passes out in my arms.

"Roman!" I hear the weak voice of Tom. "He's her ex husband. The one who abused her." He is struggling to stay awake.

"So are you all Marines?" I yell at them. My Kitten passed out in my arms. The nod.

"Tie them up. Pin a note to their chest saying they like to beat, torture and rape women. Give them back to their precious base that way." The marines all go wide eyed, begging and pleading.

"I get him!" Levi points to Dia's ex husband. I nod.

"Ladies, you are coming with us back to the Estate. Dia's would beat me if I didn't." The follow us out. I take Dia and the girls home.

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