better feelings

442 14 18

You were never one for road trips, but this one seemed to be much more different. Well, it was the apocalypse, everything was weird. Possible death was around each corner, but it's best not to go into that.

This road trip, however, was to avoid those possible deaths by leaving the zombie infested area to hopefully a less hazardous home. Whether this attempt was a success or not, at least you had tried. At least you still wanted to live. Many had forgotten that feeling and lost what you would call a will to live. It is suspected what these people did to end their numbness and suffering.

Thank god, or someone, that you still wanted to live. Because, in fact, you could still live. Your doom was a very long way away and things would get better. It's not guaranteed that things would get better right away, no. Things would get much worse relatively soon. But looking through destiny's eyes, things would get better.

The better began with the road trip. You and the four other boys crammed your bags into a somewhat small car. It had been two days since your mother's death, and your wound was no where close to healed, but, it was better than before. Yes, things seemed to be getting better. Edd, Tom, Matt, and Tord were all there to distract you and keep you company. You had bacon and toast each morning and a warm place to sleep each night. Things were better.

However, it did not feel any better. Two days could not mend away the memory of your mother. Her cold, distorted face haunted your dreams each night. Tord often came to visit you on the couch at midnight to check if you were okay. Most times you were not. He would awaken you from a nightmare.

But at least you were leaving this wretched place today. You climbed into the back seat next to Tord who sat next to Matt. The seats were small so all three of you sat shoulder to shoulder. Edd would drive and Tom sat shotgun. Everyone was given a weapon to keep with them at all times. You had retrieved the baseball bat you had left in the road two days ago. It was still bloodstained and stunk of rotten flesh. Washing it a total of three times finally got rid of the gunk.

The road trip started out quiet and peaceful. Tom and Tord both listened to music with headphones- it seemed to be about the only thing they had in common. Matt twisted his fingers in attempt to keep him preoccupied and Edd concentrated on the road.

You wondered where you were headed to anyway. The boys had never specified a destination and quite frankly you were sure they didn't know where they were going either. It wasn't the fact that you were aimlessly traveling in a lost mind set that scared you, no, but the fact that you and the boys were lost because there was nowhere to go to. No safe heaven, no place without zombies, just more and more loneliness. Unless you counted the zombies whom would often chase the car. Other than that, the town was deserted. You realized how late you left the area, how serious the issue was, and how strongly you ignored it. Millions of people were dying everyday as you went to school. A void engulfed you chest.

"You okay?" uttered Tord. He took one earbud out. You snapped back into reality. It had been a frequent habit that you would get lost in your own thoughts.

"I'm good." And you were. You were fine. Yes, your heart hurt and you would forever be changed, but you would be okay.

There was a pause before Tord offered an earbud. "Wanna listen?"

You considered turning down the offer, but music would distract you. Gratefully, you took up the offer. What you was heard surprising. Most guys in your grade either listened to rap or metal, like Tom, the metal head, whom was blasting his music at maximum volume. What you heard from Tord's playlist was radio pop, and a lot of Japanese pop. A lot.

You had never really listened to that sort of genre, and in all honesty, you wouldn't listen to it on your own, but it was swell enough to ease your mind and put you into a sleep. You awoke when the car suddenly slammed on the brakes. Matt was thrown head first into the back of Edd's seat.

"YOUCH! God dammit, Edd!" Matt held his hand to his forehead.

"Look, look, look!" Edd sang with enthusiasm.

"Holy-!" Tom pressed his face to the window. "That's a nice house!"

You, Tord, and Matt all huddled to the right side of the car to see what they were talking about. There sat a huge, magnificent home on a hilltop, at least three stories high. A gate with an archway entrance lead to a garden with a stone pathway. Everyone murmured in awe, for everyone had the same idea.

"We gotta' live there!" Matt exclaimed.

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