panicked feelings

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You flip through the channels, desperately trying to find a news channel that was still up and running. However, with no lucky, every screen is the same static fuzz. Yesterday, only one news channel ran, however, they were most definitely not giving news. Your mind, whirling back to your memories, enters the scene. Flickering lights and the tilted camera, a zombie crouched to the side of the room, bent over the news reporter, munching on his flesh. Nothing could make you forget the sound of human flesh being chomped away by a creature of such monstrosity.

Shivering, you turn off the T.V. From the floor you sat on, you lift yourself up and reach for your backpack. Your town had not been overrun by the dead yet, but it was only a matter of time. The school encouraged students to keep attending, you personally wished to stay home and prepare yourself for the apocalypse, but your parents made it clear that you were going to continue your education until the end of the world.

Most of the other students, however, did not attend school any longer. Only a handful of your peers stayed, even the majority of teachers quit. Some students claimed to have seen zombies in their neighborhoods; you didn't know what to believe.

So off you went, swinging you backpack over your shoulders and heading out the door. Your high school was a few streets down so you walked everyday. You begged your parents to drive you, for your safety, but they wanted to save gas for more "deadly" situations.

The morning sun weakly warmed the air, the breeze was chilly and the streets were empty; a ghost town. Down the sidewalk you went, passing houses you weren't sure had anymore residents living in them.

The ghost town you thought you lived in became less empty when a boy, across the street, also came out of his house. He didn't have a backpack, but you knew he was from your school.  You couldn't quite put a name on him, since you had never spoken directly. He had shaggy brown hair and wore a green sweatshirt. He strode parallel to you on the opposite side of the street.

He glanced to the right, noticing your staring. Quickly, you glance back at the ground, focusing on your steps.

Footsteps, other than your own, pelted across the street, you could see the boy approaching you. "Hey." he greets.

"Hi." you reply. Although you weren't much of a social butterfly, it was comforting to have someone else to walk with.

"Are you walking to the school?" Oddly enough, he didn't say a word about the apocalypse, more of acted like it wasn't happening.

You glanced at him. "Uh, yes. Are you?" you quickly responded.

"Yeah, but I have to stop at my friends house on the way, we walk together everyday. You're more than welcome to join us." he offered, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Relief washed over you. The more people you were surrounded with, the safer you would feel. "Thanks." You smiled.

Together you walked down the sidewalk in silence until the boy stopped and turned to a small, unkept house. He stepped onto the deck and knocked. You stood just behind him, waiting for the friend to come out. Inside you could hear shuffling and clatter as the person made it to the door.

The door swung open and there stood another boy, light brown hair, curved into two spikes, reminded you of devil horns, who wore a large, black coat. His eyes were dull as he looked at his friend. "Hey, Edd." he muttered. His eyes drooped  like he had not gotten enough sleep.

His gaze fled over to your face, eyes from tired to wide-awake. His mouth gaped open as if he wanted to say something but nothing came out.

Edd, who you suspected was the one with the green hoodie, took little notice to this. "Hey, Tord. This is... sorry I didn't quite catch your name." Edd confessed.

f e e l i n g s (Tord x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant