-Glass Brother prt 2 -

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I slowly nodded in agreement with him, not wanting him to be anymore frighten and upset than he at the moment was. " just...don't, promise me you won't. " he sniffed, still gripping me tightly. I pulled away slightly and looked up at him. " I promise, Salad." tears started to slip from my eyes, I had tried to hold it in, but it seemed to seep from my eyes onto my soft, fragile cheeks. Like Salad, I am quite sensitive, due to my past I could only slightly recall....Maybe it was best that I only slightly recalled it.

" N-no need for tears." he hushed under his breath, unwrapping me from his grasp getting our tea off of the cement flooring, he still had a tight but assuring grip on my arm. Still hesitant about letting me go fully. He held one of the tea cups up to me and offered, I gladly took it in my hands. I let the heat of the tea consume my face, as I breathed in. I looked over to Salad as I smiled. I patted the spot next to me where I laid, and he shortly followed. I looked over to him, realizing his grip was still tightened on my arm. " you could let go you know....Salad...i'm not going anywhere." I softly suggested.

" I-I'd rather not, (y/n)..." He softly whispered into my ear, pulling me close. I nuzzled into his embrace as I slowly placed my tea down on the floor near the head of the bed. He quivered a bit, we've never gotten this close to each other before, despite my hidden feelings. As I started to drift off I felt him run his long fingers through my soft dirty blonde hair, I snuggled closer to him, rubbing my cheek against his. Salad let out this low kind of purr, it seemed to be a comfort for me. " Salad-" I said groggily, looking up to him with closed, tired eyes. " why- yes? what is it?" he responded back, still messing with my hair as if he hadn't even heard a word I had said.

" I love you."

Not realizing the intensity of what I had just said due to the extreme comfort and sleepiness I was currently in. I just said it, and to this day, I don't even feel feelings of regret- I do love him- and if you love someone- I feel you should tell them, no matter the circumstances. Salad seemed to be in almost this frozen kind of state for a while, the motions of his fingers through my hair began to slow down until his hands seemed to drop down. " Pardon?" he asked, I could feel his heart trembling. He most likely wasn't used to this, and in all honesty, neither was I.

" I love you, Salad." I brushed against him, feeling the heat from his body as I slowly drifted off. As I drifted into slumber he hadn't made a sound, he seemed to be in a kind of shock, just before I hit a total deep sleep I was awoken by a silent, quivered "I-I love you too, (y-y/n). I think q-quite fondly of you as well." I turned a deep shade of red burring my face more into his chest to hide myself.

Lost girl (Salad Fingers x reader???)Where stories live. Discover now