Please Stay (Sad)

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You can't take it anymore, the pain is just to much. Peter has been acting rough around you and even hurts you once in a while. You can feel tears building up but you try to hide it because one of of the lost boys is with you. You can't hold it in anymore and tears start to fall, before anyone notices you run into the bushes hoping nobody would follow you. Sure enough Felix follows you but you don't quite notice. "I can't do this anymore..." you say to yourself and run to the other side of the island where it is most likely that no one would be there. Once you get to the other side of the island you stop and think. "Am I really going to do this, what will Peter do? Oh well, he doesn't want or need me nobody dose..." That's when you notice Felix staring at you with wide eyes. "Y/N what are you doing, get away from there!" More tears fall as you see Felix starting to tear up. "I'm so sorry Felix but it's the only way, please tell Peter I've always loved him." now you could barely talk. "But Y/N I love you and I always have. Please stay." He says with tears flowing down his face. "I have to do this, it's the only way for me to stop hurting everyone." and with that you jump, crashing into the rocks below. Felix runs to the edge and calls you're name. No answer. A few minutes later you wake up to a bright light. "What, where am I...?" you say as you see a man in white looking into a mirror. "You're in heaven Y/N, you committed suicid. Remember?" The man says to you. "Then that must mean I'm an angel!" you say. The man looks at you with a smirk in his face. "Would you like to see Peter?" "So that's why he's looking at in the mirror!" you say to yourself. "Would you like to see him personally or just through the mirror?" the man said. "Just throughout the mirror for now" you say with a slight smile. You walk up to the mirror and you're heart drops.

[In Neverland]

"I'm so sorry Peter, I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen. She just said it was the only way to stop herself from hurting every one" Felix says with tears flowing down his cheeks. Peter is on the grown crying his heart out calling for you. "Y/N come back to me please I love you and I need you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me! Please just come back!"

[In Heaven]

"I have to go see him, tell him that he has to go on with out me!" you say to the man. "Very well, you may go see him" the man says to you and with that you find yourself in front of Peter. "Peter?" you say in a calm and warm voice. His head shoots up along with his body. "Why Y/N why? Was I not good enough for you, what did I do?" Peter says in a raspy voice. "No Peter, it's not you're fault. Look I need you to forget about me. Never think about me again okay? Everything is going to be okay, I promise." you say to him in a calming tone. Before you know it Peter raps his arms around you. You hear his sobs in you're ear and you hug him back tighter. Peter let's go and steps back. You are about to fly away but Peter grabs you're arm. "I love you Y/N, don't ever forget that." Peter says with red puffy eyes. "I love you too." you say and fly off.

[The Next Day]

You woke up to the man shaking you and telling you that you have to see something. You get up to follow him and he leads you to the mirror. In the mirror you see a grave stone staying

"Here lies a beautiful angel.

Y/N you will be missed and

Will be in our hearts until the end of time..."

And there lying right beside it was Peter, with tears streaming down his cheeks.

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