Chapter 42: The ex

Start from the beginning

"Certamente figlia." Tom says back. (Certainly daughter)

Tom and I make their drinks. While walking over, I see my ex husband, Dean, in the middle of the guys. He is getting a lap dance from Lilliana, or Jewel, as per her stage name. He goes to grab her waist.

"Please, no touching my girls." I say, and startle both him, and the other guys. Jewel stops the lap dance, and walks over to me.

"That was the second time. I told him I would leave if he did it again." She whispers to me. I nod.

"Listen boys, you will respect the rules of my establishment. I will have no problem having you all escorted out." I firmly say, placing the tray of drinks on the table.

"There is 15 of us, and three bouncers. We out number you." The drunk one says. Dean smirks at me. He is more built than he was, still on the scrawny side. He has dark blonde hair, it's almost brown. With blue creepy eyes. He always wore glasses, although now he isn't. I guess he got contacts.

"You remind me of my ex wife." Dean speaks. It makes my heart speed up. I don't let it show.

"I will not tell you boys again. Follow the rules or be escorted out. I could easily find out who your CO is, and report this unruly behavior." I warn. "Don't let it happen again. Now, what would you new five like to drink?" I get their orders, while Dean eyes me. He is suspicious.

"Papa, text Roman to send me more guys over here. These marines need taught a lesson. There is 15, so send 14. I want Dean." I tell Tom while we are making drinks. He looks at me with uncertainty, he sighs, and then nods.

The guys arrive, I send Alex to tell them to wait til closing. I'll make sure the boys don't leave.

"Gentlemen, here is a free round of drinks, for following the rules." I chirp to them.

"I would prefer a free lap dance from you." Dean says. He has a sadistic smirk on his face. "You remind me so much of my bitch ex wife. I love her, but she still left me. Come dance on me." He coos. Yuck, he is disgusting.

"Sorry, I don't give lap dances, nor dance at all. I'm the owner and proprietor, I only fill in bartending and waitressing." I politely inform him. Not addressing the ex wife.

Its 5 minutes til closing. I nod to close up early, and the girls know to scatter. My guys come inside. Alex hands me a sports bra, and booty shorts. I smile, and throw them on. Alex smirks.

"Hey, what's going on? Where did everyone go?" The poor marines don't know, but I've been feeding them virgin drinks. I don't fight drunks, nor do my men.

"Sorry to keep you boys waiting. However, every door in the building is locked. We are closed." I walk over. They are shocked. I have my hairpiece and contacts out.

"Diamond." Dean whispers.

"You finally recognize me. Guess the contacts and hairpiece worked." I smirked. "Now boys. You disrespected me, you broke my rules, I gave you several chances. You touched my girls, and some even tried more. You, tall boy, I expected more from you." I stalked over to him, and lightly pinched his chin between my thumb and index finger. "Did you really think propositioning one of my girls for sex, was a good idea."

"She's lying! I would never pay for sex." He spat in my face. I stood up and wiped the spit from my face.

"You will all pay for what you have done." I sigh.

"Come one boys, let's show her how marines fight." The formerly drunk one says. They all swarm me.

"Papà! Gli uomini, ora!" I yell. (Dad! The men, now!)

"What language is she speaking. Awe she called for her daddy. She is scared." One of them coos. I can't take on 15, I could take on two, maybe three.

"Boys, do not let anyone in. She is mine. She needs reminded who is in charge." Dean smirks at me.

He comes into the center with me. Okay, I need to take a few hits, then when the boys take the others, kick his ass.

"Now, I'm going to remind you of why men are superior." He goes to front kick me. Readable like a book. I dodge, but have two guys grab each hand.

"Diamond, I chose this place, so I could see you, taste you again." He coos. He knew I owned it. He knew I would be here. He knew who I was this whole time. Where the fuck are my men? He will rape me again.

"PAPA!" I boomed.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart. There are more than we expected." Two more guys bring over Tom. He looks worn out. Finally showing his age.

"Papa!" I cried out, in desperation. I throw myself behind the the two brutes. And pull my arms together. The guys stumble and crash into each other. I run to Tom.

"Papa, what did they do?" I dropped to my knees, and stroked his face. I cupped his cheeks with my hands

"They injected me with something. It's making me sleepy. I'm sorry sweetheart. They knocked your men out. Alex is drugged too. We can't help." Tears fall down Tom's face.

"Papa, it's okay. I got you this time." I kissed his forehead. I've learned it's a form of affection. Showing the protector doing the kissing.

"Why do you keep calling him papa, he isn't your Pawpaw, nor your dad. He isn't related to you."

"He is one of my Dad's. He is my Papa. If you know I own this place, then you know who I am married to." I let my anger build. Jaw clawnched, hands in fists.

Dean laughs "You aren't married. I did my research." I smirk. I look up to the camera, and wink.

Roman thought it was ridiculous, but I did it for a reason. I set up our system to send him an alert when I winked at a camera. Stupid I know, but still. 

Dean punched me across the face. "Look, all that muscle and still can't defend yourself. You have training. Let's se it." I'm distracted, I can't focus. I get kicked from behind me. These guys are hanging up on me. I stumble forward, and get punched by Dean. Come on Diamond, get it together! Focus. I take a deep breath, and calm myself.

"Look, she is trying not to cry." The formerly drunk one says.

Dean goes to throw another punch, but I dodge it. I get hit in the back of the head, with a backhand. My vision becomes blurry. Shit! I need help. I try to shake it off but I can't. My vision starts going black.

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