Chapter 18 - New Beginnings

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Peter knocked on the door. It swung open quickly.

"It's about time you got here. Takeaways gone cold." Dean stood in the doorway, arms crossed.

"Well, if you had waited to order, it wouldn't be. I stopped by Chloe and Jack's after work to see the baby." Peter shook his head as he closed the door. He dropped his stuff on a side table and followed Dean into his kitchen.

"Yeah? Here, grab what you want. I'm assuming mum and baby are good. Now there's two of them. That Jack is going to be in over his head with two females about." Dean grinned as he shook his head.

"Oh, he is loving it I'd say."

The two settled on the sofa. Dean grabbed the remote. As they ate their food, Dean's pocket would buzz. Dean would take out his mobile and type something then put it back in his pocket. This went on for a few minutes.

Peter laughed a little. "I'm sorry. Am I not enough entertainment for you?"

"Well you would be, but lately you've been lacking in that area. Too moody for my tastes." Dean got up and went to the kitchen. After a few minutes he came back and started towards the door.

Peter looked up, eyes wide. "Where are you going?"

"I'll be back soon. Just going to pop down to the shop. Grab some drinks." Dean called over his shoulder as he left.

Peter shrugged and looked at his empty plate. He got up and went to the kitchen to grab something else to eat.

Peter heard the front door open and close. That was quick. I wonder if he forgot his wallet again?

"Hello? Nicole will be back in a moment. I hope you don't mind if I come in. These are some interesting pieces you have."

Peter stood up from the small table, and started to walk out of the kitchen. He looked around the corner.

A familiar dark head of curls stood facing away from him, with Dean's strange artwork as the main focus. Peter's hands twitched at his side. "Beatrice?"

Bea spun around, eyes wide. "Peter! It's, hi."

Peter stepped forward a little. "What are you doing here?"

Bea tugged at her blouse as her eyes looked at him, then flickered away. "Nicole and I were supposed to hang out with Dean. I just got back yesterday. Nicole came with me to help me settle in."

Peter moved closer. "Settle in?"

"Uh, yes...I found a little place to rent while I do my apprenticeship. I was going to call you, but Nicole said it could wait til tomorrow. She was in a rush to see Dean I think."

"Oh I'm sure they are together right now." Peter smiled a little.

"No, no. You don't think...that they would...that they planned this? Well that would explain why Nicole was bossier than usual." Bea smiled a little.

Peter and Bea fell silent as they looked at each other. At the same time they both started talking, then stopped.

Peter rubbed his neck, then gestured to Bea. "You first."

Bea nodded, then stepped back a little as she bit her lip. "I just wanted to say I am sorry. For being a little flighty and emotional after the art show. I shouldn't have gone off like that. I-I, I was scared."


Bea sighed and looked down . "Yeah, a little bit. Scared of us I suppose. I don't want to be hurt again Peter. Letting you in might hurt. I think I used that whole situation that night as an excuse to run. I was going to talk to you tomorrow. I guess surprise you. I don't know. I just... I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I've tried to get time by myself, just to think. But I can't get you out of my thoughts. I've got a sketchbook full of you. You're just so kind. You make me laugh. You've got the most beautiful eyes. Oh, no...I'm blabbering. I'm sorry. I'm going to just shut up now."

Peter's heart raced as he walked up to stand in front of Bea. He lifted her chin, and looked at her large brown eyes. He traced the side of her face. Bea leaned into his touch.

"Are you frightened now?"


His hands cupped her face. " you want to be with me?"

"Yes, but-"

"Just yes or no. I can't promise that you won't get hurt. Or that you might not want to bash my head in now and again. I can be quite hard headed, I've been told. But I can promise to be here for you. To go through this all with you. Together. I want to be with you. Do you want to be with me?"

Bea smiled as she nodded. "Yes."

Peter exhaled as he smiled down at Bea. He leaned down as one hand slid into her dark curls. The other hand gripped her hip, and brought her closer to him. He rubbed his nose against the side of her face. Bea closed her eyes as she melted into him. Peter angled his face as he brought his lips down onto Bea's . Lips moulded to one another. Bea's hands came up to grip Peter's shoulders. Peter tilted Bea back a little to deepen the kiss.

"Well it's about time. I knew this would work. Didn't I say my Red Blossom?"

Peter and Bea broke apart. Dean stood with arms crossed and a wide grin on his face.

Nicole stood next to him. she looked at Dean with an arched eyebrow. "We were supposed to wait a little longer to come in. And this was my idea."

"And a lovely idea it was... with my help. I didn't want to stay out there forever. Didn't feel right giving them too much time in my lounge. Who knows what we would have come back to."

Bea hid her red face against Peter. Peter frowned at Dean as he wrapped his arms around Bea. "Dean, shut it."

Dean shrugged as he and Nicole walked over to the kitchen. Their argument on who was the better master planner continued.

"Are you as frightened as I am at those two joining forces against us?" Peter heard a muffled yes from Bea.

Peter looked down at Bea. His thumbs rubbed circles on her back. "Want to get out of here?"

Bea looked up and nodded. "Yes, please!"

"Any place in particular?" Peter hurried to grab his stuff, and came back up to Bea. He grinned as he slid his hand into hers.

Bea smiled back as they left. "Surprise me."

With Love, from Cappadocia ❤️ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن