Chapter 17 - Coming Home

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"That's it? Did he kiss you? Did you kiss him? Details girl. I need to know what happened." Nicole looked across the car at Bea, as she drove away from the Miami airport.

"There's not much else to say. I kinda spaced. I think I mumbled something about needing to pack for my flight, and he may have touched my hair and said he would be waiting to hear from me." Bea stared out the window, as familiar sights started to appear.

Strange. I thought it would feel different to come home. Everything feels weird. Like I don't know where I belong.

"Bea, you really are a hot mess...too much tension going on. You should've just kissed him."

"Kissing doesn't solve everything Nicole."

"Then you're not doing it right."

Bea burst out laughing. "Oh, I missed you so much. I don't know if I can stand to leave you and dad again." Bea picked at her shirt.

"You know we will be fine. Your dad is doing great settling in at his new place. Close to the campus library. Just how he likes it. Did you fill out the work visa forms and send them in?"

"Yes. Hopefully it won't take forever. The online school wants me to start in two weeks. And the Art Open has set up a part time apprenticeship for when I return. It's nice because it works around my work schedule."

"Oh, my little Bea. All grown up. Using your teaching degree to teach English online to kids in China. That'll be different."

"Haha, yes it's weird. It's flexible though. But it'll probably only be for the duration of my apprenticeship. Needed to do something with my degree. Can't mooch off of you. Time to be an adult and make my own decisions about things."

"And have you decided about Peter yet?"

"And have you decided about Peter yet?"

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"Knock knock."

Bea looked up from the box she was packing. "Dad!" She got up and went over to hug him. "I missed you."

Bea's dad wrapped his arms around Bea. "I missed you too Bumble Bee. Let me look at you. Uh huh, yep. I can see it now."

"What? Can see what?"

"Why I believe traveling has been a good thing for you. Your eyes are a little brighter, you seem a little more full of life. Wait... I'd know that look anywhere. Nicole has been holding out on me. Beatrice Elizabeth Love, you've met someone."

", yes?"

"When were you going to tell your old dad?"

"Well there isn't much to tell. Um, his name is Peter. He's a very nice guy that I met in Turkey."

"Oh, so he lives in Turkey? That might be a strange long distance relationship."

Bea went back to her box she was packing. "No he was visiting Turkey like I was. We kept bumping into each other. He actually lives in England."

"Are you two an item now? Is he your 'bae'?" Her dad chuckled a little.

Bea groaned as she smacked her face. "Dad, you need to stop watching those trashy teen movies with Nicole. No, he isn't my anything. I'm not really sure of what's going on right now." Bea took the full box and placed it in the hallway outside the door. She set out a new empty box to start filling.

"Hm...what does that mean? Does he or does he not like you? He'd have to be an imbecile not to. And in that case, good riddance."

Bea sighed and sat down on the floor. "Dad, how did you know mom was the woman for you? Were you ever scared you'd mess it all up?"

"Oh sweetheart..." Her dad came over, and held onto the wall as he worked his way to the floor next to Bea. He scooted over to her and pulled her into his side. "Did I ever tell you that your mom hated me when we first met?"

Bea looked up, eyes wide. "No. She never said. I thought you two met through mutual friends? Mom said she thought you were funny."

"Yeah, funny. More like I was a sarcastic jerk who wouldn't leave her alone. You might not know this Bumble Bee, but your dad hasn't always been the suave man you see before you. I was a doofus who hid behind my jokes. I remember the night I met your mom, she looked glorious. Except for this horrible spotted blouse she had on. My plan was to go up to her, say something cool and funny, and sweep her off her feet. Instead I made fun of her blouse. I think I called her a dalmatian. Then to top it off, later that night I accidentally spilled a drink on her blouse. She went off on me. She thought I had done it on purpose."

"Oh no. What happened?"

"Well she ignored me for weeks, while I made it my mission to make it up to her and win her over."

"Did you stalk mom?" Bea laugh a little.

"No, no. Stalking is a little extreme. I'd say I was just motivated. I knew she was the one. But that didn't mean I wanted her to feel pushed. So I worked on becoming her friend. And after awhile it finally clicked. And here we are."

Bea leaned against her dad's shoulder. She drew her knees up.

Her dad kissed the top of her head. "What's going on in that head of yours? You are thinking loudly."

"Dad...I think I might really like this guy. But... I'm worried I'm going to screw it up. What if I give it a go and it blows up in my face? I don't know if I'm strong enough to lose anyone else." Bea's shoulder's started o shake. "I don't think I could stand to let anyone else in my heart, just to have it ripped out again."

"It sounds like you've already let someone else in. You can't choose who you connect with. You can only choose what you are going to do about it. Is this Peter a man you could see yourself happy with? Does he make you feel safe? Can he put a smile on your face? Love is scary. Loosing it even more so. But never even experiencing it? Now that is something I never wish for you. You deserve to experience all the ups and downs that come with love. Don't be afraid."

Bea sniffed and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. She leaned up and kissed her dad's cheek. "Thanks Dad. I love you so much."

"I love you too kiddo. Now this doesn't mean this guy is off the hook. I just need to figure out video calls. Alright, how about you help this old man up, and I'll help load the car?"

Bea laughed and helped her dad up. They grabbed the boxes and put them in the back seat.

Bea and her dad stood beside each other as they looked at their old house.

"It was a good home Bumble Bee. I'm going to miss it. It wasn't the same without her anyways. I don't think mom would be upset."

Bea nodded. "No she wouldn't be. She would be proud we were living and not moping around. Come on, show me this new place of yours. You can walk to teach your classes now."

"Maybe I'll be on time now. Surprise those lackluster pupils of mine. You're going to love all the flowers out back. Just beautiful."

Bea arched an eyebrow and looked at her dad as they started to drive away. "So... Nicole mentioned something about the nice widow that lives next door...maybe we should walk over and say 'hi'? It's good to be friendly with your neighbors."

Her dad's cheeks turned red. "Oh hush...not you too. It was only one plate of cookies she brought over. Just one."

"Relax dad. It's fine. Good even. You could use good friends around. Especially if they are pretty and can bake."

Bea laughed as her dad grumbled.

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