iii. confident responses and blushes

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[ iii. confident responses and blushes ]
/ IRL /

     GARRETT ADMIRED THE British girl's appearance. Yes he knew who Millie Bobby Brown was. Who wouldn't? He also knew she was attractive, but in person was a whole different story. Her white complexion tanned perfectly, her brown hair falling loosely to her shoulders, her smile sending him up a wall; everything about her was better than he imagined.

     Sure, he did find her attractive in photos. Although, Garrett never planned to meet her. He found her cute and that was all. He didn't want to text her on Instagram to introduce himself. He just went along with his day after finding her Instagram when he watched Stranger Things for the first time.

     Something about meeting her in person made him feel weird things. The way his stomach fluttered in a satisfying way. The way his heart was equivalent to a heart that endured a marathon. His gaze never broke from the Brown girl. He felt weird staring at her like he was, but he couldn't look away. He didn't want to.

     The thought ran through his mind that he was going on a "date" with the most famous teenager at the moment. Someone who had accomplished so much at only fourteen years of life. Someone who's net worth was larger than his future. Although, the most famous teenager was going on a "date" with the most overconfident famous teenager.

     Millie felt eyes glued to her. She turned her head over in Garrett's direction. She caught him looking away just before they would've locked eyes. He attempted to cover his awkwardness by pulling his phone out of his back pocket to stare down at it. The brunette girl stifled a minor chuckle before turning back to the woman she was talking to.

     He wanted to rave to his friends about his success. He then remembered his friends will see it on the new episode of Jimmy's show, so why not surprise them? Garrett bit his lip as he shoved his phone back into his back pocket. "Hey, Garrett." The boy heard his name being called and reacted by looking in the direction of the voice. Garrett witnessed his aunt coming towards him with a wide smile, exposing her whitened teeth. "You need to go to makeup."

     "Why would I need makeup when I'm already stunning?" Garrett smirked with a small chuckle that escaped from his lips. He folded his arms as he watched Jennifer playfully roll her eyes at the cocky comment. "Kidding."

     "Because they're filming this . . . date thing," Jennifer explained, flailing her arms in the air as she tried to think of the right term for what was going to happen. Garrett tilted his head slightly to the side with confusion written on his face.

     He went to look over at Millie and when he did, she wasn't there anymore. Instead, his eyes carried him past Jennifer's shoulder where Millie was located. She was sitting in a chair conversing to a woman applying makeup to the apples of her cheeks. "But it is a date, right?" Garrett questioned in a whisper. It was meant to be a question for himself that he would be unable to answer, but Jennifer overheard.

     "It's a publicity stunt, Garrett." He pursed his lips together at her statement. His eyes were still glued to Millie in the distance. "Jimmy gets money from this so called date, which is really just a get together and you two use your acting skills," Jennifer rambled. She noticed her nephew not paying attention to a word that made its way from her lips. She turned around and noticed he was staring at Millie. The blonde's eyes widened in realization. "You have a crush."

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