Chapter 1: Why Me?

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"I-I..I love you too mom, I love you!" I tell her and kiss her forehead while I let all the tears just spill out onto her.

I can't believe this is happening, my best friend, my amazing mother.

Then I hear the sirens in the distance now getting closer.

I start to look at my mother, shes turn pale and weak, her hand still clutching at her chest where her heart is.

"Never let anyone.....put you......down. Not even.......yourself. You are....and my beautiful goddess..." She tells me and then goes out of conciousness.

"Mom? Mom?!" I yell.

Just as soon as I say that, the paramedics open the house door and run to the kitchen and sees my mother.

I look at them in desperation for them to help my mother.

"Please help her..." I tell them, I then feel my eyes to sting again and well up with tears.

"Code-34, female, age range 30 to 40 years old, heart attack." one of the paramedics tells the radio as others pick up my mother carefully but as quickly as they can onto the stretcher.

"10-4." the person behind the radio says.

As they roll her out of the house, I grab my cell phone and run out of the house to catch up with them.

Everyone is watching the paramedics put my mother into the ambulance. As each of the ambulance doors close, it hurts my heart. It then drives away.

I then go to my car, running, slamming the door shut and turning it on.

I drive as fast as I can to catch up with the ambulance.

While I'm driving, I remember all the memories I have shared with my mother, even when she bought me this car.

Adara don't think about it, your mother will be fine...hopefully.

Tears start to form in my eyes, and I try to keep it in myself, but I fail completely because now my whole face is full of my tears.

"Please mom, you will be alright, just stay strong..." I whisper.

We then arrive at the Donn Polk hospital. I park my car nearest to the entrance of the E.R. And I open my car door and slam it shut and run to the ambulance that is parked right at the opening of the E.R.

I see them taking my mother out. She is still unconcious.

Oh my god mom....

I follow them inside the hospital. They soon take notice of me.

"Are you her daughter?" one of the paramedics ask.

"Yes I'm her daughter.." I reply with my puffy eyes and scratchy throat.

" Can you please wait in the lobby?" he asks me. He isn't that old.

He looks around his mid 20's and has light skin with pale blue eyes.

"But I want to stay with my mom..." I resist.

"Please its for your own good, we need to see what has happened.." He replies back to me now looking at me with piercing eyes.

" She has a goddamn heart attack! Can't you not tell?!" I yell at him.

"Please young lady go to the lobby." the paramedic tells me with an emotionless face.

"I want to see my mom!" I say giving him my attitude.

"I'm gonna say it one more time before I call security," he tells me now piercing me with those angry eyes of his.

As soon as he says that I run out of the hospital not wanting to show him my fear and my anger. I sit on the sidewalk crying and sobbing.

I start to think about the time she told me she loved me before we came to the hospital.

It angers me on how I don't deserve this pain... After 30 minutes of being outside, I got running back to the hospital into the lobby and that's when I see the doctors and the paramedic waiting for me.

I walk up to them breathing hard and sobbing at the same time, and I look at them with pleading eyes hoping that my mother is alright.

"First of all, what is your name?" One of the doctors asked me.

"Adara...Adara Laney.." I say quietly.

My mother gave me that name....

Tears start to well up again in my eyes, but staying strong this time, I hold them back sobbing just a little bit.

"Well Adara..have a seat over here." the doctor says pointing to the blue felt chairs that look like they have been there for quite a long time.

As I sit down, they are already giving me sad looks and worried faces at me.

No...please don't tell me...nooo...

"Adara...I'm sorry to say...but---" thats all he had to say because after that I ran out of the hospital tearing up, my throat burning, my hands clutching themselves hard enough that they turn numb.

I go inside my car and scream, scream the hardest I can....clawing at my chair, my skin, and my face. I'm crying so hard like I have never cried before.

No....she can't be gone...she just cant...God......why...why do I deserve this?

Why me??


Hey readers! :) thank you for reading my very first chapter of this book!

Please leave any comments if you wish :D

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Once again thank you so much!!

-Erika ♡

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