Hey Guys!!!!

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Hey guys!! ^_^ Long time, no see. I'm sorry I haven't really been updating my other books lately, I started school a couple weeks ago and it's been crazy. Being a freshman isn't fun, trust me.

I've already made some friends, which is a really good thing. I really like my school, I also like my teachers too, they're really nice.

But I updated this to tell you guys about the sequel to this book, "My Vampire Boyfriend: Part 2". I'm trying to update, but I've already been bombarded with homwork. -.- Not cool. But I just so happened to get a laptop top. So I'll try to update as much as possible now.

But please be sure to read the sequel and let me know what you think. Vote, comment, share, and maybe follow? Pwease? I have to use baby language to convince you XD

And thank you guys so much for 3.6k reads on this book. It really means a lot guys.

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!

-Lauren <3 ;P

My Vampire Boyfriend ((H.S.))Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz