Chapter 16

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*Harry's POV*

I'm really nervous about taking Katrina out in public. What if she can't control herself and lashes out. I don't want her getting taken away by the Council.

If any of the humans find out about our kind, this could end very, very badly.

We pull up to a mall in the middle of town. There are a lot of people in there. With every passing second, I'm getting even more nervous.

The girls giggle and hop out, the boys following soon after. Katrina is almost over the newborn stage, but still has to learn to control her thirst.

Katrina is up front with the girls, laughing and making jokes. My eyes never leave her for a second.

"It'll be alright lad. She can handle herself, I promise." Louis says form beside me. I don't take my eyes off Katrina.

"I know. I'm just nervous. You never know what could happen." I say. We enter the mall and the smell of human blood fills my nostrils. A few people by the entrance look over at us, but continue walking.

I can see Katrina tense up from in front of me. I rush up to her and take hold of her hand. She looks up at me, a tint of red already forming around her pupils.

"It's ok. Just ignore it. We'll go hunting later, ok?" I whisper to her. She looks down and nods. Her head rests against my shoulder and keeps her face toward the ground.

We catch up with the group and wander around for a little bit. The girls go into a couple stores and buy some new clothing and shoes. Katrina only has one bag with a new pair of Converse, a couple new pairs of pants and a few shirts.

After shopping for a little bit, we made our way to the food court for lunch. Zayn, Pierre, and Niall went over to a Chinese stand. Liam, Danielle, Louis, and Eleanor went to a Mexican stand. And Katrina and I went to Subway. Keeping things simple.

There are a few people in line, but not too many. What irks me the most, is there are 2 guys about our age right behind us. I stand in front of her with my arms wrapped around her waist.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"I don't want those perverts behind us checking you out." I mumble.

"Jealous much?" She smirks.

"Pfft, no. Just a little protective." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Hey buddy, mind moving over a bit? I'd like to get a view of that ass." One of the guys suddenly says. Anger builds inside me as I turn around to face them.

"That's my girlfriend. She belongs to me, so no. You don't get to look at her." I growl. My hands are curled into tight fists as I glare at them. I can feel my fangs wanting to come out, but I hold them back the best I can.

"Ah, come on man. I'm sure you can share." He pats my shoulder lightly. I can feel Katrina grab my arm. Even though her presence is soothing, it doesn't stop me from what happens next.

"You better fuck off, or I'll beat you to a pulp." I say through clenched teeth. My teeth now hurt because I'm holding back my fangs.

"How about... No." He smirks. I finally blow my top. I pounce on top of him and start beating him up. He tries to get a few punches of his own in, but I dodge them.

"Harry, stop!" I hear Katrina shout from behind me. I ignore her and keep punching the guy. My fangs finally come through. I lowly hiss at him, showing my fangs. His eyes widen in fear as I grab the collar of his shirt and bring him close to my face.

"If you ever think of coming near my girlfriend or I again, I'll end you." I say throwing him back to the ground. I stand and see a terrified Katrina. She's never seen me this mad before. "Katrina," I start. She shakes her head and runs off to the rest of the group. Danielle holds her close as I see Katrina shake from sobbing.

I look around and people are staring at me, including the boys. The girls are all comforting Katrina. My fangs had already pulled back in, so no one would see them. I take one last look at the group before I make a run for the exit. After I'm out of the building, I use my vampire speed to get me out of there.

I'm such a screw up. I messed up so bad this time.

((Sorry for the short chapter. The next one will be full of drama and suspense.


-Lauren <3 ;P ))

My Vampire Boyfriend ((H.S.))Where stories live. Discover now