Chapter 20

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*Katrina's POV*

"Ok, so Liam, Danielle, and Niall, you guys will be heading to Colorado. Zayn and Pierre, you guys are going to California. And Louis and El, you guys are going to Florida. Katrina and I are going to New York." Harry explains.

We all have our bags packed with what we needed. Clothes, toiletries, and a few other things. We're leaving everything else behind. The boys have already sold the house to a newly wed couple.

Everyone nods and mumbles ok's as we pile into the SUV. We had to use another car for our luggage since we only had so much room. Liam Danielle, and Niall are driving the luggage car while the rest of us take the passenger car.

I can see everyone is kinda nervous about this. But we know everything will be ok.

Once we reach the airport, we get through security and all that stuff before anxiously waiting for our flights to be called.

Zayn and Pierre were the first ones called. We bid good-bye and promise to keep in touch every once in awhile.

Slowly, our group becomes smaller. Louis and El leave about 10 minutes after Zayn and Pierre.

Liam, Danielle, and Niall leave after another half hour of waiting. Now just leaving Harry and I. My leg bobs up and down nervously. Harry rests his hand on it and that instantly calms me.

I look over at him and smile. He smiles back before planting a light kiss to my forehead.

"Like you said, everything will be ok." He reassures me.

I nod just as out flight is called. Harry and I stand and make our way to the gate.

****7 months later****

It's been a little over 7 months since we left England and came to New York. We managed to get a small apartment with a great view of Central Park.

"Kat, could you help me with the dishes?" I hear Harry call.

"Yeah, give me a second." I said. I didn't exactly feel great. My stomach has been acting up the past few days. Harry doesn't take notice to it and I keep my thoughts else where.

"Can you dry them and I can put them away when you're done?" He says starting to hand me plates. I dry them off with a cloth and hand them back to Harry.

My stomach churns and twists into a knot. I wince and gently place over it. Harry's back was facing me, so he didn't see. I bear through the pain and continue drying.

I feel something move around in my stomach. My stomach twists into a tighter knot. I gasp and drop the cup I was wiping off. Harry's head jerks in my direction as I grip the counter to keep me up.

"Babe? What's wrong?" He says walking over to me. My hand clutches my stomach as the unbearable pain gets stronger.

I collapse to the floor and gasp for air. Harry kneels down and picks me up. He runs me to our bedroom and lays my carefully on the bed.

He feels my forehead which feels like it's on fire, and runs to get a washcloth with freezing cold water. He places it on my forehead.

"Katrina? What's wrong?" Harry asks. I finally find the strength to speak.

"My stomach.... It's been bothering.... Me for the past.... Few days." I manage to gasp out.

Harry and I haven't really been sexually active. He didn't want to try anything until we made sure we were safe from harm.

"I think I know what's wrong." He says.


"It's Dante. He's trying to take over your body."

((The End!! Jk there's a sequel. It's called "My Vampire Boyfriend: Part 2". I'm gonna be re-writing it. For those of you who have received my messages, I said I was gonna be re-writing the last few chapters of this and what I have done of the sequel.

So yeah. I'm gonna put the sequel on hold because I won't be here for awhile. I'll be gone from this Sunday till Wednesday.

Ok that's it. Let me know want you guys thought of the book and please leave a vote, it would mean so much to me if you did.


-Lauren <3 ;P ))

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