Chapter 17

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*Katrina's POV*

After seeing Harry blow up on the guy in line, I knew I wouldn't look at him the same again. Seeing this side of him, this anger he's capable of showing, scares me. What would happen if he got mad at me? Would he lash out on me like that?

"Come on, let's get you home." Liam said. Danielle is still holding me tight as silent tears roll down my cheeks. I can manage a small nod before breaking from Danielle's embrace.

Zayn and Louis said they would go search for Harry while the others took me home. I really just wanted to be alone for a little while. I just needed to process properly what happened.

After a little while, we arrived at the house. I immediately got out and rushed upstairs to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and sat down on the toilet lid. Tears flowed out my eyes and down my already tear stained cheeks. I held my head in my hands while taking deep breathes.

I ignored the constant knocking and begging of my friends on the other side of the door. They beg me to come out but I refuse to.

I think they finally get the message that I want to be alone. I hear Zayn and Louis downstairs saying they couldn't find Harry.

Where could he be? Where would he go? I get up and unlock the door quietly. I tiptoe out and sneak into Harry and I's bedroom. I climb out the window and quickly run before anyone can see where I'm going.


I've been running around the woods shouting out Harry's name for the past 2 hours. I haven't seen any sign of him anywhere. I decided that he wouldn't go anywhere I would know. I climb a tall tree and scan the horizon. I see a patch of really thick pine trees. It see,s really dark over there.

He might be over there. I climb back down and head in that direction. It only takes me about 10 minutes to run there, and when I do get there, I see a familiar figure sitting by a small pond. I know it's Harry.

"Harry?" I call out. He doesn't flinch or even acknowledge that I'm there. "Harry, is that you?" I ask a little louder. He shifts slightly before turning his head to face me.

"What are you doing here?" He asks coldly. I'm taken aback by his cold tone of voice. He turns back around to face the water.

"I came to look for you. You've been gone for hours. Everyone was starting to worry." I say coming a little closer to him. I'm only a few feet away when he stands up. He turns to face me, his eyes a deep red.

"Worried? About me? They seemed more worried about you than anything. I'm a monster. I scared the shit out of you by beating that guy to a pulp. And I screwed up big time, Katrina. I couldn't hold it in, my fangs came out and that guy saw! The Council will know and I could have my fangs ripped out, I could be whipped, a vast majority of things could happen to me because of some pervert." He says getting closer to me with every sentence.

"I didn't know, Harry. Yes, you scared me. And I forgive you for that because that guy did kinda deserve it, but we could've walked away from them. Bu the Council won't find out because we can hide out for a while. We'll keep a low profile and stay inside all the time of need be." I said staying where I was.

"You don't get it. The Council has eyes everywhere. Someone in that mall could be part of the Council and they could report to the Lords. Nobody is safe. Especially me right now." He say backing away now. "I think it's best if you stay away so you don't get hurt too." He says starting to walk off.

"So this is how it's going to be? You can't always run away. I'd risk getting hurt if it means still being with you." I say trying to catch up with him.

"I don't care. I don't want you getting hurt! I don't always run away from things. Sometimes I stay and fight. But this feels like something I need to run from." He shouts.

"And if you run, I'll come with you. We promised we'd stay together. And by you running, that's just tearing us apart." I explain. I grab hold of his arm, stopping him. "Just stop running. I hate seeing you like this. We'll all protect you, I promise." I say trying to make him look at me.

"I just don't want any of you getting hurt because of my stupid anger issues." He continues to argue.

"I don't care about stupid anger issues. You're still the same Harry I fell in love with. And if anything happened to you, I would go down with you." I say.

He doesn't say anything, he just engulfs me in a hug. I immediately hug him back.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." He whispers into my hair.

"I love you. I love you. I love you so so much." I whisper back. "Let's go home. The guys don't know I left." I said pulling away.

He nods and we race back to the house at vampire speed.

((Awe! They made up. But will Harry get caught? What do you guys think will happen next?

Leave your thoughts in the comments!!


-Lauren <3 ;P ))

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