Chapter 5

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*Katrina's POV*

Harry just kissed me. Why? He said that from the moment he saw me, he's been dying to do that. This boy is filled with so many mysteries.

Honk, honk!!

My mom's car pulls up in the lot. Harry and I stand and walk over to her car and hop in the back seat.

"Hi mom. Thanks for picking us up." I smile at my mom.

"Oh it's no problem dear. And you must be Harry." My mom says as she pulls out of the parking lot.

"Yes and it is a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Winters." Harry is such a gentleman.

"Oh please, call me Patricia." She grins at Harry from the rear-view mirror.

"Ok." Harry says. He faces me and I blush. His eyes are so hypnotizing. I get lost in them so easily and I forget where I am and what I'm doing.

"Harry, honey. Where do you live?" My mom asks. Harry breaks our gaze and faces towards the front seat.

"Oh, you can drop me off at the next street. My house isn't too far from there." Are point to the street ahead of us.

"Are you sure?" My mom asks pulling up to the street.

"Yes. Thank you for driving me." Harry smiles at my mom again. He turns and faces me. "I'll see you tomorrow." He winks and exits the car. The rain is still pouring as Harry begins to walk down the street.

"He seems nice." My mom says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah. We're actually going out somewhere tomorrow." I say looking out my window.

"Oh, when?" She said wiggling her eyebrows.

I roll my eyes. "I don't know. He wouldn't tell me. And it's nothing to gush over."

"Yes it is. This is your first date with a boy!" My mom continued to gush.

"Mom, stop it!" I say hiding my face in my jacket.

"But it's just so cute." Why me? Lord what did I do?!

*Harry's POV*

After Katrina and her mom are out of sight, I use my vampire speed to hurry to my house. After I reach my front porch, I'm almost completely soaked. I take my shoes off and step inside were the familiar scent of blood filled my nostrils.

"Boys! I'm home!" I shouted.

"In here!" Louis yelled from the direction of the kitchen. I shook my head back and forth so some of the water would fall out of my hair. I walked into the kitchen where all 4 of the boys stood drinking some blood.

"Want one?" Zayn asked meaning a blood bag. I nodded my head and he tossed me the bag. This is a daily routine for me.

"So are you sure you wanna fall through with tomorrow?" Liam asked with a little bit of concern in his eyes. I looked up at all the other boys and they were looking at me the same way.

"I'm positive." I say in a monotone. They all exchange looks .

"Just remember, you can't let her know what you are no matter what." Niall warns me. All the boys nod their head in agreement.

"Trust me, where I plan on going, there is no way I will have to expose my true self." I say confidently.

"Alright, but if you bite her, that's all you." Zayn says with a smirk on his face. I seriously don't trust him.

I head up to my room and finish my blood bag. We can drink from each other if we don't have bags. We apparently "bond" when we bite each other, like, we can read each others minds and communicate that way.

I change into some dry clothes and lay on my bed. I want everything to be perfect for tomorrow.

****The next morning****

*Katrina's POV*

I wake up at about 10:30 and hop in the shower. Harry is supposed to get me in an hour. Lucky for him, I'm not one of those girls that take all day in the bathroom. After my shower, I blow dry my hair and get dressed. Today was supposed to be nice and sunny.

I chose a baby blue crop top that showed some of my stomach and stopped at my elbows and said "I <3 Haters", washed, ripped skinny jeans with my black Converse high-tops. I straightened my hair and put on some thin eyeliner.

I checked the time and saw I had 5 minutes to finish getting ready. I rushed out of the bathroom into my room and grabbed my phone and some extra money just in case.

I hear the doorbell ring just as I got down the stairs. I shout goodbye to my parents and open the front door to reveal a very handsome looking Harry. He's wearing a black v-neck t-shirt with black skinny jeans along with white Converse.

"Hey. You look beautiful." Harry comments. I feel my check heat up as I shut the front door.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." I say trying to keep my cool. "So are we walking or do you have a car?" I ask looking at the ground.

"We, my dear, are walking." Harry smirks. I groan and Harry chuckles. "Don't worry, it's not that far." Harry assures me.

****2 hours later****

Harry and I are still walking around and we are in the woods. I have no idea where the hell we are.

"I thought you said where we were going wasn't that far!" I shouted at Harry. If I walk for a long time, I get tired and crabby.

"Sorry. I thought it was closer." He says with that smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and smack his arm.

"How much farther do you think it is? I'm tired." I complain.

He chuckles. "Not too much farther. Do you want me to carry you?" Harry offers. I feel blood rush to my cheeks again. I cover my face with my hair and look at the ground.

"No that's ok." I say. I'm literally sweeped off my feet by Harry as he picks me up bridal style.

"You're so light." Harry says randomly.

"Ummm, thanks?" That came out more a question than an actual thank you.

Harry carries me the rest of the way to where ever we're going. I begin to dose off. Before I know it, I'm fast asleep in Harry's arms.

((Hello my pretties!! I might update again today and I might not. Thank you so much for all the reads and votes even though there aren't that much. Still, I thank you. Please let me know what you think of the book so far and maybe give me some ideas for the next chapter. Thanks.

-Lauren <3 :P ))

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