Chapter 4:

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Hey guys I'm back with yet another chapter. I am uploading earlier then I sadi I would becasue I know once I get back into school it willl become harder and harder to update regularly so heres the lates installment of The Potions Masters Daughter.


As I headed out of the forest I realised I had know clue whats so ever where Spinners End was. I knew the name of the street and what house he was win thats about all I knew about where to find the man that was supposed to be my father.

Now I had to ask someone where it was, I thought grumpily. I hated asking for help. Normally I do things by myself or not get them done at all. This was more important then those things though so I decided to ask someone anyways.

The only problem with that plan was that I had no clue who I should ask even. I figured that the best way to find out where Spinners End was, was to ask the police.

I knew that they were right down the road from here so I set off in search of it immediately. I walked for about 15 minutes until I got there. At this point it was at least,3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon and the sun was beating down on my scalp even this late in the afternoon. Without any trees there to protect me from the rays I was sweating imensely.

I let myself in using the front door. As I walked up to the table with the secretary sitting there I got nervous suddenly. That wasn't like me at all I normally faced things but this time there was a feeling in my heart that I didn't really want to go live with my father.

As bad as my "mother" had been it was the one thing that I knew for sure was always going ot bhe ther for me. It was the one thing that never changed. Unlike everything else in the world which kept changing right around me if it was moving or having to change rooms in my house because my mother wanted a  new plave to sleep then the room she was in now.

Besides that fact I barely even knew my father. I didn't even know his first name. And he might have changed his last name or something. But now that I was here I didn't really have a choice but to ask the girl at the desk where Spinners End was.

SO I walked up to the gilr sitting at the expensive looking mahogany desk. The girl was pretty with shoulder lenght blonde hair that she had in waves.

I couldn't see what sort of pants she was wearing but she had on a pink V-neck shirt with slight ruffles at the top. She was wearing heavy lipstick and mascara along with blue eyeshadow that compliment her hazle eyes.

As I approached she looked up at me with the pen she was using to write with still in her hand. 

I then took a short and shaky breath and sadi to her, "Escuse me, but do you happen to know where Spinners End is?"

She looked at me with question is her eyes and said, "Why do you need to know?"

I said, "My father was supposed to pick me up from my camping trip in the forest but my cell phone died and I was supposed to call him to pick me up. I live with my mother since my parents are divorced but I don't know where my father lives except that he lives on Spinners End."

It was a long story but it made sence and it wasn't really a lie it was just a version of the truth. I was quite good at that. Bending the truth to my favor I mean.

To which she replied, "Yes I do know where it is. Here's a map to it."

She circled a point on the map that indicated Spinners end then with the same black sharpie she drew a path to the quickest way there. I tried to listen hard and I think I got most of it even though she was talking super fast.

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