11: Understanding

Start from the beginning

We got off the pool table so the guys could have their game back. We got cuddled up on the couch when the sound of the intercom came on.

"Remember we are on lock down, lock your doors, lights out. You leave you're already dead don't fuck with me."

We heard Cyrus voice echoe thrift the whole warehouse. The lights went out except for the TV, the dancing glow from the arcade games, and the moonlight from the small window. The only thing that can be heard from outside was the howling. I jumped into August's arms and hid my face in his chest.

"What's wrong babe?" I shook my head and pulled the covers over us, clenching on the ends of my sleeves. I don't know why I was scared but I was. August kissed me a couple times and laid back so I was laying on his chest between his legs, rubbing his hand repeatedly down my back. I rubbed August's ear, something I did when I was stressed, and imagined I was back at home.

August POV

I listened to Sya's light breaths as she slept with her hand on my ear. I wish I could just throw her over my shoulder, steal her away, and drive to a place where no one knows us and settle down and get married. I can't imagine our kids but I know they would be beautiful. That's just something I find myself thinking about often.

She nestled into me, but a scowl grew on her face and she tensed up in her sleep. I kissed the top of her head and her face relaxed.

Dice and Michael were playing thumb wars like two little ass kids, making me laugh. I looked over at shad and he sat on the pool table watching them as finished the rest of the hot cheetos I brought with me for Sya and watched the TV. I shook my head knowing she would raise hell when she saw the rest were gone.

A ding came on, from the intercom.

"Santana you are needed in Cyrus's office in the next ten minutes, I repeat Santana you are needed in Cyrus's office." A female voice said.

She was about to kill me for waking her. I kissed her face repeatedly until she woke up. "Move nigga, damn." She swatted me away and clung back onto me. "Cyrus needs you in his office." I whispered in her ear. She looked at me in disbelief.

"Whhhyyy?!" she whispered yelled. She pulled down the end of her hoodie top as she got up then shuffled to the door, opening it and closing it with a slam making the top of the wall crack. We all looked at each other confused.

Sya's POV

"What does he want? I JUST talked to him." I asked my self as i painfully walked down the stairs to his office. It felt like miles till i actually got there, I knocked on the door and it opened. I was pulled into the darkness of the office quickly by my hair. I didn't scream I just started fighting till whatever it was let me go. I was hit in my side, knocking the wind out of me. I never got pain medicine after I got the stitches, which is now adding insult to injury.

I got picked up from the floor by my by my sore ear and was slammed on something hard. It was the desk.

The light came on and it was Cyrus, sweating over me, I'm not surprised. he got closer to me and spat on my face. I clawed at his eyes and nose and he punched me in the face so hard I saw black for a second. I groaned loudly trying my best not to cry. He threw me on the floor and I landed on something. He kept kicking me, like how he did when he was killing my baby. I looked down and it was a unconscious Lady. I rolled her over once he stopped.

Forgetting about the amount of pain I was in and saw her chest was rising and falling. I noticed a blood covered chain of undone wire hangers on the floor. I laid her on her side, getting her of her injured back. I looked at him and he was leaned back on his desk with his arms crossed.

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