You're Not Like The Others...

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~Optimus' POV~

Here we were, still on the cliff making minor adjustments on Taylas car.

We were just finishing up when we came to the agreement to finish the rest  at her place.

I put down the hood when I heard Tayla gasp. I look to see her near my alt mode.

"Orian Pax! Dont you ever look after your truck?!" I raise an eyebrow at her.
"Honestly he's dirtier then dirt."

I blink a few times.

"He?" I ask giving her a questionable look.

She scoffed "Well, not to be sexist or anything but a heavy duty truck like this. I hardly doubt it's a she." She finishes as she runs her index finger across my drivers door. I shudder at the feeling. She rubs her thumb against her
Index getting the dust off of it with her other hand kn her hip.

I was so confused but earth websites only confused me more ... as far as I knew, trucks or any earth motor mobile were not living things.

"But ... trucks aren't living?" I say more of a question then a statement.

"Yea... I know, but I like to think they are." I look at her. She was something. "C'mon we gotta get going, I'm washing my car and you are going to wash your truck" she says pointing a finger at me.

I... am going ... to wash me? I blink a few times.

"Uhhh I dont really think that's" I turn around ... she had already gone. I sigh and go to my truck.

I soon catch up to her but no racing this time.

~Tayla's POV~

We get back to my place and I open the gate.

I drive around the side of the house and hope out, orian following my lead.

I go inside the shed and grab some cleaning supplies, I dont know about Orian but I'm giving my car a good wash.

I grab the house from around the back and bring it out and hook it up.

I spray my car all over making sure to get every part of it.

I look over to Orian.

"Alright here you go" I say

He chuckles "no thank you" he says putting his hands up in surrender while walk away ng backwards.

Was he for real? He just gonna let his truck get filthy.

He turns around and goes to walk over God no where... I wasnt having it.

Aim ...


I turned on the hose full blast getting Orian in the back.

~Optimus' POV~

I roll my eyes and smile as I walk away... femmes.

Then i heard the hose turn on ... along with a cold wet feeling. She turned the hose on me?! I quickly turn around, big mistake... it only got me more.

'T-Tayla?!" I shout out shocked.

"Hm? What's that?" She asks innocently.

Oh shes in trouble now.

She then stops.

"I-" she puts the hose on again then stops it.

I glare at her.

"Dont-" she did it again.

I put my hand up in a stop sign and the other side ne I point at her. As I get in a battle stance and walk around slowly as if one wrong move and I could get my head bitten off.

I'm Fine (OptimusXOC love story, TRANSFORMERS PRIME)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora