Buddy just kind of slipped out, and I sort of like the ring to it.

I look into those blue-grey eyes and find myself wanting to kiss him really badly.

And then he sits up with his back pressed against the wall, reaching out to pull me closer to him. We both sit cross legged with our knees touching.

"I want to talk to you." he says.

I hesitate.

"About what?"

"About us."

"Okay...what about us?"

He takes a deep breath and looks down.

"I've been waiting for you for a very long time." He says. "And I just feel like there needs to be a mutual agreement on...stuff."

I pause.

"On what stuff?"

"Like, relationship stuff."

"What type of relationship stuff?" I find myself getting confused, so he reaches out and takes my hand.

"Sex, Savannah. Sex stuff."

My lips form into an O.

"Um, okay..." I trail off.

"I mean, most people do it on the third date, but you and I skipped right over dating since dating is to get to know the other person, and we already know everything about each other. I know it's only been two weeks and it might seem a little early to have a conversation like this, but I want you to know that, I mean, I don't think we need to follow everyone's schedule. We don't have to wait a while, but we could also wait until we're married. I mean, I don't want to rush this. I don't want to rush anything. We have a lifetime for stuff like that, so I don't think there's a reason to go at it because we can. I just feel like, at least for me, it happens when it happens. I don't think we need to wait until marriage because I already know I'm going to marry you, but I also don't think we need to jump into anything. It just happens when it happens," he rubs my hands with his thumbs. "What do you think about that?"

I never really thought I would be with anybody, and now that I have somebody I could, you know, sexually be with...

Well that's terrifying. For somebody to see me that...I don't know, vulnerable? It's a good thing to get nervous over. The only person that has seen me naked since I was a child is Sofie because she's my roommate and when we go to the showers, we come back in towels and change in front of each other. It's not weird for us because it's just...not. She's my best friend.

But the thought of like, like a guy having me naked and...touching me? Seeing me please and stuff?

"Savannah?" Liam squeezes my hands gently and I snap my eyes up at him.

"I mean, that's..." I clear my throat.

I don't really know relationship stuff that well. Do I tell him how I actually feel about that?

I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to.

But it's so awkward that I start laughing.

"I'm sorry," I say through small fits of laughter. "I'm just a little awkward, um, but that's a lot. Like," my smile fades. "That's a lot. The thought of somebody seeing me like that, all vulnerable and...naked? It's a little weird to think about. I'm not ready for any of that yet."

Liam smiles.

"I know, that's why I told you that I don't want you to feel like we have to follow society's timeline." He says. "We can take as much time as we want. It doesn't matter. If we start doing something and it's too much for one of us, we stop," he shrugs his shoulders, and then he smiles. "I mean, it's just us. We don't need to tell anybody what happens."

"Okay." I chuckle a little.

But now that the subject of intimate stuff is brought up, I realize I don't know any intimate stuff about Liam.

When I got back from Iowa, I never thought to ask.

I never thought to ask until he started dating Maria, and now that I know he's dated her, I need to know.

"Who else have you been with?" I ask suddenly.

"In terms of what?" he asks.

"In terms of the conversation we just had. Who else have you like, touched? And has anybody touched you?"

"Savannah," he sighs slowly and shakes his head, a smile forming on his lips. "When you were gone, I was too depressed to get with anybody, and when you came back, the only person I wanted to be with was you. I haven't been with anybody else."

My eyebrows raise.

"Not even a kiss?"

"I mean, a kiss on the cheek with Maria, but that's it." He shakes his head.

"I don't like Maria." I say. "And I absolutely hate Aubrey."

"Well I absolutely hate Aiden." He shrugs.

I shudder. "I could never be with Aiden, even if you weren't around."

"Why?" he asks.

"Because he's...well, he's not exactly attractive," I laugh. "Plus, he smells like bologna."

Liam busts out laughing and I find myself smiling at his happiness.

He's been having a shitty month with his family drama and me taking off on him.

It feels good to see him so happy.

After a few moments, he stops, reaching out to tuck a lock of blonde hair behind my ear.

"And what do I smell like?" he grins.

"You?" I ask. "You smell like old spice."

"Do you like old spice?" he asks with a small smile toying at his lips.

I smile widely.

"I love old spice."

And an hour later, when we're in bed and he's fast asleep with his arm around my waist, I realize something.

I wanted to kiss him earlier, but honestly? Talking to him and just having an honest, happy conversation is just as pleasing as his lips.


This chapter was so nice to write and I was smiling the entire time


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