Norma thrashed against him clawing and biting when she could. When she landed a hot, he would backhand her again. Norma struggled still. Not like this. Norma fought harder when she saw a large man in all black step out of the shadows. His leather boots tramped calmly over to the scene. Norma fought to keep her arms free as the second man meant to restrain her. Norma swore and spit but she could not get free.. Please, God. Not like this. Norma bucked her hips and twisted about and successfully kneed the man straddling her. He keeled over to her left. Norma scoffed and kicked her legs upwards in attempt to kick the man above her in the face.

He caught her legs and let her hang. Norma swung her arms but her reach was too short. Instead, the bottom of her tank top was ripped downward along with her sports bra. Norma covered her chest, more for the pain of the fabric pulling against her nipples than embarrassment. The hopelessness soon set in. She was place onto the ground, sobbing. She clutched her chest firmly glad she was closer to a B than a C. She glared at the now three men around her. She scooted back into a corner, and her shoes were pulled from her feet. Norma scrambled her legs beneath her rear and rested her forehead to the wall next to her.  Then men stepped forward in unison, cutting off any escape route.

“Esta lucha demasiado.” Norma snapped her head up at a small click. The man in the middle, the one she kneed , held a barrel out. “¿Vamos a matarla?”

Norma didn’t need a translator, still she shook her head. The larger man in black step forward slowly and spoke low, “Esto es un desperdicio. Ella debe ser un pescado fresco. Ella tendrá un valor de un montón de dinero.”

The man beckoned her over. Norma whimpered and shook her head. He looked back to the man with the gun. He point between them. Her options were clear. Norma shakily stood up. The steel ground was cold and hard on her socked feet. Her heartbeat sped and slowed as she weighed her possibilities. She was not likely to break through them or find anyone to help her. Shit, why didn’t I ask more people fore the right directions? Norma wailed into her wrists. I want to go home!. Her breath quickened while she felt her lungs squeeze.

He was there. The bigger man. Pulling her arms down and out. “No, no. Please, don’t.”

He shook his head and rubbed his jaw against her wet, swollen cheek. Norma flinched and tenses her arms. Hus grip on her was firm. “Shhh, bella. Shhhh.”

The man pressed himself firmly against Norma then pulled her arms against her side. He took no time thumbing her waistband and dragging the pants downwards. Norma choked on her sobs and covered herself again. Her body shuddered against the scrape of his thumbnails to her thigh. As his reach hit its end, he slowly kneeled, pulling the jeans past her knees and letting them collect at her feet.

Norma inhales as her tears ran out. She was tired. Her abdomen clenched when she felt her briefs pull free from the meeting of her thighs. Norm involuntarily squeezed her legs, but track had taken much of the extra fat at her thighs. Now she was left with nothing. The man then wrapped his arms around Norma’s waist and lowered until his hands met underneath the fullest curve of her butt. He barely grunted before her had Norma over his shoulder.

Norma bit back a scream and muffled into his shoulder, chocking. There was no point in fighting. She was here to be…Norma thought oddly of Terrence. Her brother Aaron’s friend. She had not imagined his hand on her breast. And when she had woken up, his lips had been so close. They brushed from her neck to her chin. He had just gripped her when she woke up. Norma didn’t feel any different than she had a few days earlier. Aaron, shout have touched her. Nevertheless, she wouldn’t have minding him pawing at her now compared to what was to happen to her.

Her carrier sat her down and Norma jumped. The ground was wet and cold. Norma looked around. The floor had ridges that collected most of the water. Two spouts connected to a pair of hoses near the door. The first of the spouts turned on drenching Norma in cold water. The spout swiveled spraying above her. Then the water came from underneath. Norma cried out in surprise and scrambled over the floor in search of a safe place. The water turned to foam and lathered over Norma’s hair and body. Norma blinked in spite of the burn from soap in her eyes. She was being cleaned. Norma thought back. It would have been a minimum of four days since she took her shower at home. Norma choked again and absently raked her nails over her body. Her movements were stiff and in full understanding that she was being watched. Norma scrubbed at her scalp before quickly rubbing the bits between her legs. She wanted to wash thoroughly, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so. The water changed again and was tepid. Norma reluctantly walked back underneath the main over head spout. She continues massaging her scap up the water dripping from her hair rinse clean. The water shut off and Norma look up back towards the door.

The large man held out a large tube. Norma tensed and scuttled back. The tube began to blow hot air. Norma looked dumbly about before walking forward again. She winced. The heat was intense. Even on her skin, red spots appear after a few minutes in front of the heat. She turned so her back side could be dried as well. Norma also wrung out her hair. It was already drying on its own and was lightly damp when the dryer turned off. Norma did not turn around. She willed herself to disappear or for the structure to blow up, or for Jesus to return. Anything to save her.

A large grunt behind her confirmed her fears. No one is going to save me. Norma turned around and tired to stand up straight. But she curled into herself. One arm shield her nipples and the other hand hid her mons from view. Norma took baby steps forward. She cringed at the man before her. He, like all the others, smiled. Norma bit her lip to keep from trembling. When she reached the threshold, then man grabbed her. Norma screamed again, but his hand was already on her mouth. His dark eyes looked bored. But his mouth retained the sick smirk and grew wider. When Norma’s lungs gave in she resorted back to crying. The man released and gripped onto her hair instead.

Norma ignored her scalp and focused on protecting her privates. Then man nudged and began to walk slowly forward. Norma shuffled after wincing at the dull smarting from her head. The bump on the back of her head had made scrubbing her scalp difficult, but the return pulling of hair exacerbated the pain more. Al at once Norma’s released. The man opens the door to a room. It is filled with woman of varying skin tones, but none dark as her. Great get kidnapped and I’m still the only black in the room. Norma stepped forward as a realization hit her. No one was going to touch her. Yet. Norma allowed a smile to play in her heart, but not her face.

She had a chance to escape still. Norma sank to the ground on the outside of the circles of women. Something told her that none of the women would understand English, and even if they did, their looks told her they did not like her company. Or maybe they were all like her, stolen away, and distrustful.

Norma looked around the room. She then changed her mind. She sat curled into herself, covering her body best as possible. But most of the women, short hair, long hair, think or thick, they sat proudly. Breast displayed and legs crossed not in shame, but confidence. Norma hung her head. She had read and heard about international prostitution, but she never thought she would be one. Or become one. Norma shook her head slowly, mindful of her injuries. She would not turn into any of these women. She would fight. She had to fight. Even if it get me killed, Norma coughed into her huddle.  Even if I die, I will die fighting. There has to be away.

A loud horn sounded that shook Norma’s core. Then a lulling feeling through her inner ears off balance. Of course they were on a boat. Norma  lost her resolve and cried silently. Who was she kidding? This is it. I am going to be raped or murdered. Probably both. And no one will ever know. Norma scooted closer to the wall and curled into the deepest ball she could manage. Her torso and head throbbed. Her jaw and eye were tender as well. Michael and Aaron never hit her full force. Michael and Aaron ain’t here, stupid. Norma chocked on her thoughts not for the last time. Home and her life were so far away.  Japan and America might as well not exist. She would never see either again.

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