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“Esta carga es buena. casi piezas. ¿crees que se puede pedir el doble?”

“Tal vez para las frescas, pero los que recogimos de la plaza, no.”

“Incluso entonces, algunos todavía pueden ser usados ​​en exceso. Ellos pagarán después de que éstos se comprueban.”

Norma gripped her mouth more firmly. She had been breathing heavily for awhile. She knew she was not going to Italy anytime soon. She also knew from CSI, if they knew she was awake, they would drug her again. When she had woken the first time, she screamed. It had been dumb. Norma knew she was on a plane. Screaming wouldn’t save her. But she screamed. Even after they slapped her and tired her up. She screamed. Then a familiar another short pain in her arm followed by heaviness told her she was drugged again.

Now Norma looked about. It was light again. And the plane was tilting. Where ever they were it had take a day. I think. Norma didn’t know how long the drug lasted. She had been to pee twice and had to go again. The plane had stopped twice. Each time she and the other women were lead of the plane into heat. Each time there had been a crude toilet for her to use. They had never been fed.

Norma didn’t think she would be able to keep anything down. I was kidnapped in a fucking foreign country. Bitter tears dripped down Norma’s face. She bit her lip, willing them to stop, only more came. Norma’s shoulders shuddered. Stay still, dumb girl. Norma cursed herself for being gullible. You never follow a good looking man in another country. Norma coughed into her hands. She knew better. The stewardess didn’t even ask for her passport, ticket…and the way she was dressed.Goddamnit!

Norma’s breath quickened and she began to cough more. Her stomach churned as the tilt of the plane grew. We’re landing again.Just as soon as you get free. Norma flexed her toes and rocked her ankles. She could outrun a few men until she got help. She would fight. She just hoped that were ever they ended up, it was a country friendly with Obama. Norma turned over the possible worst places in her head. The men spoke Spanish, or Italian, or was it a combination of both. Norma shook her head. There were only so many countries that spoke one of those languages. They had flown around too much to still be in Spain.

Norma closed her eyes and imagined a world map. Her mind automatically zeroed in on the East Asian Pennisula. Norma scrunched her lids and panned over to the west. Even in her mind’s eye, the geography was a little off. But Norma knew South America was the main place, then there was Central Carribean, and a few of the southern countries in Africa. Norma had a feeling that they were headed to Mexico though or something near.

Ok, Mexico, Columbia, Chile…Guatamala, Hondurass…damn. Nomra bit her lip again. Maybe she should have paid closer attention in Geo. So long as I don’t end up in Cuba. Cuba would be bad. Norma didn’t think the plane would land in Purto Rico. She hoped for Mexico or Chile. Their US relation were good, at least better that Cuba.

Norma blinked back her tear focusing on what she knew. There were five men, plus the pilots on the plane. She didn’t see and guns. They had drugs, but in the form of needles. Norma winced remembering the shots. I hate shots. They would have to get close to her to drug her again. Easy, don’t let that happen. They have to untie you again, eventually. Norma pouted at her thoughts. Eventually wasn’t good enough. It’s all I have.

Her breathing had slowed down. She wasn’t calm, but she had a plan. That’s what mattered.  I have a plan.

A jolt from below through Norma against the wall and grunts sounded around her followed by whimpers. We’ve landed again. Norma flinched involuntarily when the bodies around her began to move more. Tremors and more whimpers sounded around her. Norma felt her bottom lip tremble, and then she snapped her chin down. No, you have a plan. Escape. Just run.

Nao, Sou AmericanaWhere stories live. Discover now