Chapter 15: Bye Bye, Closet

Start from the beginning

"I see, but I want to come out to one of my friends who works here,"

They sat at their table, then waited for Toluwase to come serve them.

"What can I get you two?" she eventually got there, after Mel yelling at her multiple times to 'serve the customers.'

"Words?" Mark tried.

Toluwase was a bit confused.

"Just sit, I have something to tell you," Alex explained.

Toluwase sat, a worried expression written across her face. "What's wrong, Alex?"

"Well, nothing is wrong."

"Then what do you have to say?"

Alex looked at Mark, who looked back and nodded. Mark had a hand in the small of his back to show his support.

"I'm gay," Alex said with surprising confidence after his previous luck.

Toluwase hesitated. "I gotta go.." she briskly got up and speed-walked to the kitchen, head down.

Alex stuttered as tears formed in his eyes.

Mark took his hand and stood up. "Let's go, Alex,"

Alex stood up as Mark wiped a tear rolling down his cheek and put an arm around him.

:At House:

Alex fell to the couch, tears making their way down his neck. Mark sat next to him and hugged him.

"She hates me..." Alex leaned his head on Mark's chest. He could hear his heart beat as he sniffled.

"She doesn't. Maybe she didn't know how to react,"

"I don't know,"

Mark rubbed his back and rested his head against Alex's. "It's okay," he whispered, "it's okay."


Toluwase worked for the rest of the day, tired and stressed. She stayed with Nial for her shift since Amber wasn't feeling well. At the end of their shift, Mel had left and told them to lock up. Toluwase sighed and Nial looked at her, worried.

"Is something wrong, Toluwase?"

Her head was down, arms crossed. She seemed more vulnerable than usual, scared of anything surrounding her. "Yeah.." the lump in her throat prevented her from saying too much.

Nial took her hand. "Come, lets go sit on the couch in the back," Nial took her to the back room, which had lockers for the waitresses, shelves of food, a desk covered in paper and an old maroon-colored couch which had faded over the years.

The two sat down and Toluwase's head only looked down even more to hide her tears.

"What's bothering you?" Nial asked, putting a hand on her elbow.

Toluwase sniffled. I like A-A-Alex, a regular who is a friend of mine. A-and he told me earlier today that.."

"That what? He doesn't like you or..?"

"Worse," Toluwase looked up, resting her hands on her knees, "he's gay. I mean, I support him and all but it just hurts."

"Well, clearly he isn't the one. It'd be a waste of time, dating him. But it's okay, because you're still friends. I know it hurts, but it'll feel better."

"You promise?"

Nial nodded, taking her hand again. "I promise," she squeezed her hand as she said 'promise.'

Toluwase took a deep breath. "Okay. You're right. Thank you for helping me," she smiled, a bit of color in her cheeks.

Nial chuckled, color showing up in her cheeks, too. "Of course."

In the heat of the moment, in what felt like a split second but took a million years, Nial promptly kissed Toluwase with a passion she didn't think she had.

A few moments later, Nial moved her head back a bit and blurred out, "I'm so sorry, I-I don't know what had gotten int-"

Toluwase cut her off by kissing her back, causing them both to become a more vivid red. She put her arms around Nial's neck, moved even closer, returning back to her normal, natural self.

When they broke apart just a bit, Toluwase smiled. They both chuckled, almost beet red. "What are we?"

"Lesbians?" Nial suggested.

"Sounds about right," she smiled, "I'm going to call Alex to meet up so I can apologize for reacting weird when he came out."

"Good idea."

:With Alex:

When he got the call, him and Mark got ready to go. Before they left, Alex told Sub and Mili to make sure Jordan doesn't go to the cafe, because he needed to talk to one of his friends.

Sub and Mili did their best protecting Alex.

Doesn't mean their best is that great.

:At House:

In the kitchen, Sub and Mili were talking about their plans for the weekend when Jordan walked in.

"You two know where Alex is?"

"Not sure," Sub answered, "why?"

"I'm trying to find him, don't know where he's at. I'm going to the cafe."

Sub and Mili looked at each other, horrified and worried.

"N-n-no, don't go there!" Mili spat out.

Jordan was puzzled, "Why not?"

They both hesitated. "He might not be there," Sub thought of a quick reaction.

"Worth a try," Jordan added, and was off.

"Oh lord," Mili put her hand on her forehead.

"Oh lord is definitely right."

DISCLAIMER: Toluwase And Nial are not actually lesbian in real life

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