Chapter 10: From A Different Perspective

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"We're heading to the water park," Sub held a bag and collected various items, like a towel, flip flops, etc. Things you need when swimming at a water park.

Mili slid on a pair of sandals. "Just wear the flip flops on the way, you don't need to put them on when we get there."

"Fine, fine." He pulled them out of the bag to replace his socks with them.

"Well, we're gonna get some food." Mary replied as she opened the hotel room door.

"Have fun." Mili smiled, sing-songy.

"We will," Denis added. The couple walked out to enjoy a nice dinner. "Meet back here later. We'll decide when we are going to head back home,"

"Noted." Sub waved.

"Lets go, Subby Boi." Mili sat on the bed, waiting for him to be done.

"Alright, I'm ready."

"It's about time," Mili tapped Sub on the nose and went to open the door. She let him out first, then followed.

:At the water park:

The air smelled of chlorine and water. It was loud, people all over.

The two rented a tent on the side of the biggest water slide Mili's ever seen. The tent and the waterslide were like an ant to a human. The small green tent stood no chance by a big, bright loopdey-loop.

Sub looked up at it, amazed. "We gotta ride that!"

Mili's heart skipped a beat.

They went into the tent when Mili started to tense up. She sat in a chair, not really wanting to leave her seat.

"Can't wait to go on that waterslide," Sub ranted. "Lets go, Mili!"

Mili very reluctantly stood up and followed him. They walked up the long staircase to the top. Mili looked down, concerned and scared. She knew it wasn't smart to look down, because of how high up they are. Her palms were sweaty and her heart beat fast. The line was shortening quickly.

"Come on, Mili." The two got on a tube shaped like a donut to sit on. It could fit two people. Sub got on one side. And Mili sat on the other side, slowly. She looked back, and no one was there. There was no line. She had time.

"Sub," she spat out, before he pushed them down.


"I'm scared." Her eyes closed.

Sub turned the tube so his side would go down first. He took Mili's hand. "It's okay. We don't have to."

She opened her eyes. "But you want to. And I-I guess I can do it with you."

"Okay. You're my best friend, Mili. I'm not going to let something bad happen." Sub stood up again and went to sit next to her. "Ready?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

He squeezed her hand. "It's okay." Then, he pushed them down the slide.

The whole time, Mili's eyes were closed. At least most of the time. Then she opened them, as they rushed down the slide.

"You having fun?" Sub asked, still holding her hand.

She considered. "Could be worse." They almost had to yell to hear each other over the rushing of the water.

Then out they came, splashing into a pool. Once they reached the end and got out, Sub went into their tent, Mili following.

"I'm very proud of you." He took both her hands.

"Thank you," Mili smiled. "You're the best friend someone could have." She hugged him. "I love you."

"Yeah, yeah, time to go back into the water." He broke the hug, smiling.

Mili giggled. "Okay, Mr. Moment-Ruiner,"

The two walked out, laughing.

:Denis And Mary:

Denis and Mary walked down a long hall, rode on an elevator or two until they reached the restaurant. People sat at booths and tables all over, enjoying a nice meal.

Mary took a breath in. "I'm starving,"

"Well, isn't that why we came here?" Denis asked as they took a seat.

"Well, yeah."

A lady with dark eyes came over and pulled a pen and notepad out of her apron pocket. "I'm Sierra, is there anything I can get for you guys to start out with? Drinks?"

The two ordered drinks and the waitress disappeared off into the back of the restaurant.

Denis took his fork and knife and started rubbing them together.

"No! Why?!" Mary took them from him and he started laughing. "Anything but that. Anything!"

Denis just kept laughing.

"A more serious topic," Mary started, "I've been worried about Alex. He hasn't been acting normal, like himself."

"Yeah. He's not really that affectionate towards Jordan lately."

"Or as friendly to the females in the house. Even though we have been gone a few days."

"Before that, and for a while."

"I'm worried." Mary confessed.

"Yeah, me too. This is a very odd conversation,"

"Well, that can happen every once in a while. Let's get some spaghetti now."

"Your favorite food?"

"My favorite food."

Sorry this chapter was a bit short, I wasn't very mOtIvAtEd

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