Chapter 5: Not Pleased

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The walk to the place where Elijah's car was being fixed wasn't that far, really. It was within walking distance. And the temperature was perfect. They really didn't need Jordan. They DIDN'T need Jordan, they could survive the short walk.

Once they got there, Elijah shook the hands with the mechanic who fixed his car.

"So, where is the car?" He asked.

"That way," the man pointed to a car down the lot. The three of them walked down to the car. Elijah took a look, rubbing a finger on his stubble, puzzled.

"What was the problem with it, exactly?" His voice got quieter as he spoke.

"Battery fault," the man seemed... nervous.

"Did you fix it?" he got in. He didn't need to ask, its his car. Either way, he still would've done so.

It didn't feel like his car.

The mechanic rubbed his hands together and cleared his throat.

"Is this my car..?" Elijah was still a bit confused.


"Doesn't seem like it."

"Its your car!" the guys temper seemed to raise. He calmed down, and took a deep breath. "Sir, this is your car." he opened his eyes. Elijah got back out.

"Aight, here ya go." Elijah was very skeptical. Usually, he would've interrogated him until he got an answer, and fixed the problem. But he had other things on his mind. And he had a bad feeling about this.

He put his hand into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He took $400 from it for the very costly cost. It was expensive, but he'd been saving for emergencies like this for a while. The man quickly took the money, and thanked him. Elijah nodded his head, still very skeptical. He wasn't thanking him, and he wasn't going to say "You're welcome." He was skeptical. He was Sketch, after all.

The two got in the car, and headed home. They spoke no words. Elijah wasn't happy because he knew the car wasn't his, and Shay didn't want to say anything because if she said something, she may upset him more, and he might've need space. She knew when he was unhappy. So she just rubbed his back and hoped she helped, even just a little bit.

Though she could've sworn he had a moment right then and there, where he was weak and could've broken. Like a twig that can easily snap once stepped on. But it was just short enough where he went back to normal quick enough before he did break. He was definitely fragile.

On the way home, the car stalled. Again. Elijah sighed. They got out and he took another look at the vehicle without the burning feeling of the mechanics stare. His stubble got tired of being 'rubbed'.

"Not mine. Not even a little bit, that poopin' mechanic!" Elijah threw his hands into the air, his voice loud. He was clearly not happy. "Why?!" he face palmed, rubbing his eyes. He took a peek at the car and shook his head. Shay put a hand on his back.

"I'm so sorry."

"Its okay, its not your fault." he was calmer when speaking to her. "400 BUCKS! FOR A CAR THAT ISN'T EVEN MINE! AND WORSE! GOD, WHY!" he screamed. "I could've used that for something more important." he looked at Shay, then back at the car. Shay hated to see him this upset.

Shay dared not say anything. One word and the lump in her throat would've grown to be bigger than it currently was.

It did happen, though. One little tear made its way from her tear duct down to her chin, and rolled down her neck. One tear brings another, then another, and another. That's how it works.

Elijah looked over at her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Shay." he pulled her in for a hug. "You don't deserve this." Shay had some things to say, but she didn't want to cry even more.

"I'm sorr-" Shay started.

"No, I'M sorry." Elijah interrupted. He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her out, making sure that they were eye-to-eye. "I yelled and I screamed. I startled you and you don't deserve to be like this, to be unhappy." he pulled her back and hugged her even tighter. "I am so sorry. Blame the mechanic. He also has gawt problems."

Shay smiled. "Tell me something I don't know." She tried to raise her head to make eye contact, but the hug was just way too tight.

"I love you?" he looked down.

"I know that, silly!" she pushed away and playfully hit his arm with a fist.

"No, don't push off, I was enjoying our moment." Elijah smiled and pulled her back. Shay laughed and smiled. "You see? You're laughing. I missed it."

"Very cute."

"Yeahhhh." his smile grew.

"So, how are we going to get home? Just YEET our way home?

"Huh. I never thought about it. Lemme call Ethan." Shay stepped back. Sketch put an arm around her and called Ethan using the other.

"Yeah, uh, hi. We kinda got stuck in the middle of town. Or nowhere. The car stalled. Yeah, we got ripped off." Elijah rubbed Shay's back and told Ethan where they were, then thanked him. He chuckled and and said goodbye, hung up and turned to Shay. "Ash and Ethan are coming,"

Her smiled stayed on her face, not tired of showing emotion yet. "The more the merrier."

Sorry this chapter was shorter than usual, I had trouble adding to it. Besides, the previous chapter WAS longer than usual, so it kinda makes up for it. (I fixed it but if I take this paragraph away it'll go back so Yeet) Enjoy!

Talkin' to you, Shay ;D <3<3<3<3

Also, for those of you who are people I don't know, Toluwase, Shay, Shelly, Mary, Ash, Jordan, and Mili are friends of mine. Mili and Mary haven't been shown yet, but they're coming. Shay really wanted me to write a fanfiction, so I may be "talking" to her a few times in this story, towards the end of chapters, like this. Little author notes.

Happy reading!

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