Chapter 15: Bye Bye, Closet

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In the morning, when the sun spilled through the blinds and the birds were chirping, Mark woke up to Alex sitting in the same position he found him in the previous night.

"Something wrong?" Mark asked, putting a hand on his back.

"I still haven't come out to the rest of the house,"

"I'll help you, don't worry. You'll be fine,"

"But what if they hate me?"

"I don't think they'll hate you-"

"What if they do?

Mark sighed, "Worst comes to worst, you can come live with me. I'd be happy to take you in."

"Thank you, Mark," Alex smiled.

Mark slowly wrapped his arms around his waist and hugged him tight. "You're welcome. But I don't think they'll hate you, or kick you out. If they're real friends, they'll still support you. Besides, I'm right behind you." He rested his head on Alex's back and closed his eyes.

"I'm ready," Alex spat out.

"You sure?"

"Now or never. But you're staying up here,"

"Why?! I want to be with you when-"

"I want to do this alone. I need to do this alone. I need to prove myself,"

"To who?"

"To me. Besides, they won't know who you are. It'll take explaining."

Mark thought about it. "True."


Everyone else was sitting in the living room that morning, so Alex could make his announcement. Yet, Jordan was nowhere to be found.

"Everyone," Alex walked into the room, "I have an important announcement."

"What's up, Alex?" Elijah asked.

Uh oh, Alex thought, I forgot about Elijah, he probably won't support me, but I must do this.

He gulped and playing with his hands. "I hope you all will still accept me,"

"You don't need to beat around the bush." Mili tried to soothe him.

Alex took a deep breath. "Okay." You guys ready?"

They all nodded their heads.

"I'm........ gay.."

That was it. It was out now, too late to turn back.

Alex's heart skipped a beat as they sprang up from their seats and went up to him saying things like "Oh we still love you" and "We support you" and "It's okay you're still amazing"- even Elijah.

He was thanking them all when Mark appeared through the doorway. "I miss anything?" Mark asked, doing his best to try and seem like he was oblivious to the entire event.

Alex went over to Mark and put a hand on his shoulder. "Everyone, this is my friend, Mark. I met him at the cafe."

Mark was a bit confused, but waved at their kind greeting.

Then Alex realized Jordan was missing. "Wait... where's Jordan?"

"I'm not sure," Shay replied, "maybe the cafe?"

"Okay, lets go see if she's there. C'mon, Mark,"


"She's not here," Mark whispered, no one there fitting the description Alex gave him.

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