"I can't- I mean, wouldn't it be a bit inappropriate?" I asked.

"Why would it? It's not like you're doing this on purpose or something. I can't let you alone at this hour so you're coming to my place", he said almost entering his car. "Come on, get in."

I slowly walked to the car entering it. "I'm so sorry that I keep putting you in these situations. I'm just bad luck."

"Stop it, you don't have to blame yourself. It's really nothing, it's not like I mind spending time with you" he said, but the words left his mouth so easily that it couldn't even be misunderstood as a confession. And it wasn't.

"Sorry", I managed to say before he started the engine and drove to his home.

We walked inside and the first thing I heard was the sound of children playing.

"Shh, he's home", I heard a girl's voice say.

"Wait for me", I heard a little boy's one afterwards.

Chan walked in first and I just followed after him.


A little body wrapped itself around Chan as he himself crouched down to give him a hug while the girl came walking with a smile on her face. I could see Hanna's and Lucas's eyes glistening after they saw their big brother.

As soon as I made eye contact with Hannah her eyes widened and she took a little sprint in my direction and hugged me.

"Luna!" And shortly afterwards Lucas came to me and hugged me as well making me fall to the ground with him on top of me as laughters filled the room.

"Wow, calm there", I managed to say after the fall. "How has my little monkey been?"

"Good!" Lucas said.

"Isn't it pretty late? Shouldn't both of you be in bed right now?" I said as I gave them a fake stern face, sitting upright.

"Mom and dad left us here alone because they thought Chris was home, but he wasn't so we waited till he would come", Hannah said while playing with the tips of her loose hair.

"Where are mom and dad?" Chan asked.

"I don't know, an after party from a company. We didn't quite catch what they said", Hannah said while walking back to Lucas to take him off of me.

"So irresponsible of them", I heard Chan say through a sigh just loud enough for me to hear because the children were busy talking between themselves.

"Okey both of you upstairs now, I'll come in ten minutes." He said to the two youngest.

"Yes sir." Both of them said at the same time while laughing, running upstairs.

"What's wrong?" I asked him when I saw that his face changed.

"I can't believe my parents just left them alone here, they knew I was gone. I just hate it that this happens all the time. What if something happens to one of them", I could tell he was frustrated by the way he was talking and the way he kept running his hands over his face. "They are so irresponsible."

"But Hannah is old enough, no? Isn't she  fifteen?" I asked him.

"Yes but I just feel uneasy when they are left alone. I have been taking care of them since always, like what if something happens while I'm gone. Hannah is old enough to stay home alone but not old enough to take care when let's say a burglar breaks in", he said as he slowly picked up all the toys that the children left on the floor. "You can sit down. You want something to drink?"

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