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4 Weeks Later-

"I still don't get it. Katherine's been in there for four weeks and she's still breathing, why," Damon demands.

It's been four weeks since we decided to lock Katherine in the cell in the cellar. Katherine, being who she is, has done nothing but plead for blood. I've given her a little every day, just enough to keep her alive. Me, Damon, Stefan, Elena, and Alaric are sitting in the living room. We've been discussing what to do with Katherine for hours. Since the night of the Fall Ball, things have gotten a little better around Mystic Falls. Alaric and Jenna are in the midst of a relationship. Caroline and Matt are starting to see each other. Stefan and Elena have gotten much closer, despite the fact that Bonnie told Elena she didn't want any part in the whole vampire business. Tyler's uncle, Mason Lockwood, is in town visiting them after the mayor died of a stroke. After the funeral, I took it upon myself to learn everything about the Lockwoods, but so far I haven't found anything. Damon and I are closer than we've ever been. We do everything together now. We hunt, go to high school dances, and kill people together. Not that I necessarily like killing people. Recently, the town removed the vervain out of the water supply so hunting has been easier. I haven't tasted blood from the vein in so long that when I took my first bite into a girl, I drained her dry. Stefan wasn't too pleased with me when he found out, but it's what I am.

"She's not dead yet because Cecily keeps giving her blood," Stefan says.

"What," Damon snaps.

"It's not like I'm giving her gallons of it. I'm giving her a shot glass of it, a little less every day," I say.

Damon scuffs, "so you're torturing her by giving her less blood every day."

I smile, "that's just the beginning."

"That's wrong, Cecily, and you know it," Alaric says.

Alaric has grown close to me and Damon. He's what Damon calls 'our drinking buddy.'

"What's wrong is that Katherine tried to kill me," I say.

"It's been four weeks," Elena says, "just kill her."

I sigh "fine, someone give me a stake."

Damon gets up and grabs a stake off one of the bookshelves.

"Yell if you need us," Damon says as he hands me the stake.

I smile and take the stake. I walk through the kitchen and walk down the stairs that lead into the cellar. I continue down the hall, past the blood cooler, and find something I didn't expect. The door to Katherine's cell was open. I walk inside the cell and find nothing. There wasn't a single sign that indicated that Katherine was ever here.

I sigh, "She's gone. Katherine's gone."

Hey guys, thank you so much for taking the time to read my story! The next installment will be titled The Vampire Diaries: The Broken To Be Lost. Please feel free to leave me comments or message me about what you thought about the story!

The Vampire Diaries: Concrete DecisionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora