The Fall Ball

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"All right, I'm done," Elena says, turning the curler off. She sets it down on the bathroom counter. I look at myself; my hair's curled and my makeup is amazing. The light silver eye shadow makes my eyes look bright blue, while slight eyeliner gives my eyes definition. I had curled Elena's hair and in return she curled mine. We both hurry into our dress and shoes when we realize we have 10 minutes left.

"Oh crap, jewelry," I say.

We both hurry to put on the jewelry we had chosen an hour ago. Elena decided to go with small silver earrings and the necklace Stefan gave her. The necklace contained vervain; I know this because it burned me when I went to hand it to her. I had decided to go with a thick diamond bracelet and silver earrings.

"You ready yet," I hear Stefan ask from downstairs.

"Just about," I answer.

"We're gonna be late, hurry up," Damon pushes.

I sigh and look at Elena. She's staring at me.

"Damon wants us to hurry up," I say.

She smiles, "you coming?"

"Be down in a minute," I say as she walks out the door and down the stairs.

"Elena," I shout.

She backs up into the doorway, "yes?"

"You look beautiful, don't let anyone tell you any different," I say.

She smiles, "thanks and the same to you Cecily." She walks away and soon I hear Stefan gasp.

I smile; her dress had been the perfect choice. I walk over to the bathroom mirror and take one last look at myself. I sigh, "tonight's gonna be great. Nothing will screw it up, not even Mr. Saltzman." I walk over to the door and pull it close. I walk over to the top of the stairs and start down them. Damon has his back to me, watching Stefan and Elena. Both he and Stefan have tuxes on, making them look older and more sophisticated. He turns around as he hears me and I watch as his eyes go wide. I meet his eyes as I make my way down the stairs. I stop at the last step, making me slightly taller than him. He takes my hand and kisses it. I smile; I know why he's doing it. It's how he greeted me every afternoon in 1864.

"Ms. Lauderdale," Damon says, still holding my hand.

I smile, "customs have changed, Damon."

He smiles back, "I know."

He offers me his arm and I take it. I look over at Stefan and Elena who are smiling at us.

"We may be going to a high school dance, but we are not all going in the same car," Damon says.

Stefan laughs, "Me and Elena have to take her car anyway. We should get going."

"After you, brother," Damon says.

Stefan opens the front door for the three of us and we walk to our cars.

"Meet you guys at the school," I say to them.

"Don't do anything stupid tonight," Stefan says to us.

I sigh and get into Damon's car. I watch as Stefan drives Elena's SUV away. Damon starts his camaro and we pull out of the driveway. The sun has gone down, but there's still light in the sky.

"So what happens tonight," I ask Damon.

He looks at me, "what do you mean?"

"I mean, when we actually talk to Alaric and he figures out that I'm alive what do we do," I ask.

"We're gonna do what we normally do," Damon says, "If he refuses to talk about anything, then we torture him until he does."

"Damon, really, torture," I say, sighing.

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