"I don't know, I guess she knew it was coming. I served her with the papers the day after I told Tory I still loved her. After we kissed, I knew that I couldn't be with Naomii anymore. She still has Nini through this whole court proceedings but I'm not worried about if I'll get her or not. I'm sure I will. I just don't know how Tory will feel about it or if she even wants to be with me." August sighed.

"The day Tory got stabbed, she came over here in tears." Said Robyn slowly, remembering the day.

"What? why?" August said 

"She was disgusted by her relationship with Devon, she was still in love with you. She left to go break up with him," Robyn's voice started to crack," I should have gone with her August, I should have called Chris. I could have prevented this!", I could hear the tears in her voice. 

"Oh Robyn, he would have hurt you too and then Chris would be in jail for murder, you did nothing wrong," August reassured her. I could hear her sniffling and blow her nose. I heard her get up and go upstairs,  I slowly opened my eyes, eager to look at August.

I stared up at him, seeing he was in deep thought. Well now he knows that I truly still love him, I still don't feel like I deserve his love though. Especially after everything I have put him through, all those late nights I've woken up from my drug coma and seen him sleeping in the chair beside my bed. I looked back up to August to see him looking down at me, love and conflict in his eyes. Unconsciously I reached up and touched his cheek, he snuggled into my touch with closed eyes. My heart fluttered as his hand clasped over mine.

"Tory...," he trailed. I said nothing, lost in his eyes. His eyes searched mine for the words that he wanted to say. 

"I understand Anthony, I...I feel the same way."

He sighed and smiled, still staring into my eyes. I felt a kiss coming and I wanted it so bad I started it, I moved my hand to his neck and brought his lips to mine. Our lips moved together with passion in a hot, feverish kiss. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth, something I welcomed. As our mouths danced together, I found myself straddling him, his hands on my butt. A groan came from his mouth and the kiss progressed. I was the one to break away this time, looking into his now wild eyes. August moved his mouth to my chest and planted soft kisses along my collar bone, making me shiver.

"Tory, I just can't help myself around you. I love you, be with me for good this time.", August whispered against my skin. 

"You got me Ant, I should have never left in the first place.", I said quietly into his hair, he gripped me tighter and I winced, remembering my injury. August let me go quickly and looked at me sadly.

"We are gonna find him, Tory, I promise." I nodded and we stayed like that, in a loose embrace, until the sun went down. 

2 days later....

August POV

I hopped out the shower and quickly put some shorts and a T-shirt on, ready to get back downstairs to Tory. I was halfway down when I heard the doorbell ring. I rolled my eyes and went to answer the door. I opened it to find Naomii, a smug look on her face, I rolled my eyes once more.

"What do you want?", I said closing the door as much as I could with my upper body poking out. She smacked her lips and blew a bubble with her bubble gum.

"I came to see if you were ready to stop all this bullshit in the courts August. I miss you and Nini miss you", she put on her best pout, I took a deep breath, the thought of my daughter running through my mind.

"Why should I? Just because you know I'm going to get full custody right? I'm done with you Naomii, so get all the loving with Nini while you can because, in another month or so, you gonna be on strict visitation." I said with a mouthful of spite, I started to close the door but she stopped it with her foot.

"Now Augus-", She stopped mid-sentence as she heard footsteps walking through the house, her eyebrows came together in confusion as she tried to peek inside through the crack in the door.

"August who the fuck you got in our house?" she said.

"It's my house and none of your damn business." I spit, as soon as the last word left my mouth, I heard Tory coming up behind me.

"Anthony, who is it?", T said so quietly I could barely hear her, but the ears of the bloodhound sniffing at the door heard her perfectly clear. I groaned and pushed Tory farther behind me.

"Oh hell no! You are not about to have some bitch up in your house just because we left, I'm going to the judge with this shit!You got me fucked up!", Naomii yelled as she tried to push her way through the door. I was stronger than her so I pushed her with one arm back out the door and shut it. I could still hear her banging and yelling as I turned around to Tory. Her face was covered in fright and concern but her beauty still spoke magnitudes. I grabbed her cheeks and kissed her firmly, bring her lip into my mouth, the sounds of Naomii slowly drowning out as we kissed. 

I broke away from the kiss and pulled her into a deep hug. I could tell she wanted to say something by the way her face looked. I grabbed her hand and lead her to the couch, Naomii's banging now done. As soon as we sat down Tory began to speak but I stopped her with my finger before a word could get out.

"Okay, so I can see that look on your face and yes I'll explain what the fuck that was about. So that was obviously Naomii," I said with a chuckle," She is my wonderfully difficult baby mother, a couple months ago after I kissed you, I filed for custody of my daughter. We had a arguement after you woke up, this is before we kissed by the way. But anyway, she took Nini with her and I went to the studio and came to the conclusion, through all the pain of you coming back, I still loved you. So she went batshit with that one and it's been a battle ever since honestly." I rubbed my forehead and took a deep breath.

"Well I don't want to be the reason you won't get custody, she said she was gonna take this to the judge," Tory said warily, I laughed and grabbed her hands.

"Baby, that bitch was a thot from the jump, she had nothing without me. I made her! That's the motherfucking gag, she doesn't have anything on me. I have saved every receipt, down to the last penny, of everything I've spent on her and our daughter. That bitch can't get one over on me you know this T."

She smiled and nodded, knowing I'm that nigga. I switched on the TV and sat back while Tory snuggled up under my arm, her legs over my lap. We sat and watched a movie together for the first time in years.

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