Chapter 11 Ice beats Rock

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AN: As I was putting this chapter up, i realized for some reason 'chapter 9' was missing (meaning the story didn't make sense) so i've just added it in in case  there's anyone who wants to read it.


The further out to sea they got the colder it became but Nino had a smile on his face as he realised the Kwami's plan.

"Ah, he'll fall right through the ice," he said watching Stone Heart as he still approached them.

Hearing this, Alya looked down at the ice not seeing any fractures at all.

"Hmm perhaps the Kwami's did their job a little too well," she commented.

Getting an idea, Chat Noir grabbed the reins and pulled on them before reaching for Nino's sword and getting out.

"A sword's not going to do you much good boy," Alya said watching Chat run towards the beast.

"You'll be pulverised!" Nino called in agreement.

Plagg and Tikki shot off to join him to try and convince him to change his mind.

"If you don't turn back now you'll end up like a gooey sticky mess of camembert..." Plagg said flying backwards to look into the boys face.

"Trust me Plagg I know what I'm doing," Chat said coming to a sliding halt and raised the sword point down about to drive it into the ice.

"Be careful!" Marinette called from the sleigh worry in her voice.

"Don't worry!" Chat answered slamming the bade into the ice and pulling on it "Wood floats, rock doesn't."

Cracks started forming and went out in all directions as Chat pulled the sword up and ran back towards the sleigh.

The cracks forming under Stoneheart made the ice gave way and he started to fall in, the shock of the cold water made a mist form over Stone Heart changing him back into Ivan.

"Chat stop!" Tikki called before going to try and help the boy but he was too big for just one Kwami.

Pausing Chat Noir looked back and saw the problem. Knowing he was on a time limit anyway, but also knowing he couldn't just let the guy drown, Chat ran back and pulled him out before leading him to the sleigh which took off just as they both jumped into it.

"Thanks mate," the boy said shivering a little as Marinette draped a blanket around his shoulders.

"Who are you?" Chloe asked not sure she was happy with this, whether it was because he just tried to kill them or the fact that the extra weight meant they were now going slower than before, she didn't know.

"Ivan Bruel," he said looking around trying to recognise them "Hey where's Mylène?"

"Who's that?" Marinette asked gently placing a hand on Ivan's shoulder.

"She's this girl I like, we were caught by Hawkmoth's men at the same time but then we were separated."

"Then my guess, is that she's still at the castle." Chat Noir said getting nods of agreement from the others.

"Then, then turn around so we can save her please." Ivan requested.

"No," Nino said "Mate we have a plan to save everyone but to get it done we need to keep going this way until we reach some island where Ladybug is said to be."

"Yeah well if this fog doesn't lift, we won't find it now will we?" Chloe asked rhetorically.

"And if we don't?" Marinette asked "Together you formed an alliance to help fight back against Hawkmoth's army. You rescued Nino," she said turning to Chat Noir "And we all just help save Ivan's life. All without Ladybug."

"Hawkmoth's too powerful to take on alone," Alya said from her position at the front of the sleigh.

"Besides," Chat said sighing a little "We need to find her if you are to return home your true size. That is what you want right?" he asked unsure he would want her to leave.

"... Of course," Marinette replied.

"You hesitated" Plagg said butting in making Marinette jump a little.

"No I didn't," she said glaring at the cat Kwami "And you should know better than to listen in on others conversations."

"Frankly darling," Pollen said from her seat on Chloe's shoulder "That is kind of hard to do when we're all cramped into this one sleigh."

To prove that, to nobody's knowledge Volpina who had been a beetle for the last ten minutes listening in on their conversations took off from the back of the sleigh, transformed into a falcon and headed back towards Hawkmoth's castle.

To prove that, to nobody's knowledge Volpina who had been a beetle for the last ten minutes listening in on their conversations took off from the back of the sleigh, transformed into a falcon and headed back towards Hawkmoth's castle

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Back at the palace, Hawkmoth wasn't all that happy to hear what happened.

"What? Chat Noir destroyed Stone Heart?" he asked pacing around the library.

"Well not so much destroyed, Your Majesty, but the monster is now that boy again from before." Volpina explained her ponytails having icicles' hanging off them. "Of course he had some help. A few more friends have joined him and the girl. Oh if only I could remember who they are..."

Sighing Hawkmoth threw her a small bag of coins.

"It's coming but still a little foggy..." Volpina said trying to get more but changed her mind at the look Hawkmoth was giving her. "Oh now I remember, it was Chloe Bourgeois, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, and their dumb Kwami's."

"Proving they're gullible idiotic children," Hawkmoth said spinning around "I've covered every page of every book in the royal library," he said pointing to all the books in a heap next to the two of them "And there's no other mention of 'Ladybug' anywhere."

"I don't know... They seem pretty keen on finding that island..." Volpina said in an almost sing-song voice.

"She's a FANTASY!" Hawkmoth yelled smashing the base of his sceptre against the floor and making Volpina jump and slip on a stay book making her fall down and hit the floor herself.

"But... If Chat Noir wants to believe in fairy-tales he's about to realise this one, doesn't have a happy ending..." he said cunningly and went to talk to his men about his newest plan.

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