Chapter 7 'Are we there yet?'

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It was a long way to this 'camp in the woods' and Plagg was making it even longer by just being himself.

"Are we there yet?" Plagg asked innocently as they were passing the last building of the village.

"No." Chat said in friendly reply.

As they climbed a hill Plagg spoke up again.

"Are we there yet?"

"Not yet." Marinette said thinking this is going to get old really fast, but looked to the Twins and saw they were laughing a little.

As they reached the bottom of the other side of the hill he asked again.

"Ok... Are we there yet?"

"No..." Alya answered this time not sure why she invited this annoying blob of fur.

As Alya guided Maple into the start of the trees of the forest...

"Are we there yet?"

"No!" Chat said starting to get really annoyed.

The twins still finding this funny and trying to keep their laughs quiet.

"Are we there yet?" Plagg asked again innocently.

"Yes," Alya said pulling the reigns, got up and turning around to face Plagg.


"NO! And the longer you keep asking that the longer I will keep going round in cycles! This is supposed to be a 'secret camp' and Hawkmoth has spies everywhere and you voice is so loud and whiny that I have no doubt that they can hear it! So shut up and we will get there sooner! Got it?"

Everyone was quiet and looking to Plagg for his reply, the Twins hugging their dolls and Marinette, not liking seeing Alya like this.

Alya slowly turned around, sat down again and then grabbed and flicked the reigns a little.

After a minute, Tikki seeing Plagg was going to ask that question again, grabbed a large gumdrop and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Plagg stop talking..." she said glaring at him.

"But this is taking forever Sugarcube," he said after pulling the sweet out of his jaw "And I'm just so bored."

"Well," Chat said in a sarcastic-thinking voice "Find a way to entertain yourself."

With that everyone calmed down and looked around, the feeling in the sleigh returning to calm...

For about five seconds before Plagg got an idea.


Chat Noir groaned as he knew he would be the one to blame for this.


Alya started to grip the reigns a little tighter sighing as for the umpteenth time she lead Maple along the path that would circle the woods.


"Plagg, for five minutes..." Marinette asked trying to be calm, and nice, used to a certain amount of annoyances thanks to her babysitting, but this was getting too much. "Can you please not be yourself? For five minutes!"

Sighing she reached for a cookie to eat to calm herself down when...


"AGH!" Chat Noir said grabbing the Kwami and looking around before stuffing him into a small draw in the side of the sleigh. "Are we there yet?" he asked after a few minutes after doing this."

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