𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 4 // 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕸𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌.

Start from the beginning

"And alas, someone will stay an option all the time." She simpered, looking pleased with herself. Yiren was about to riposte but was cut short by their professor entering the room. Yiren shot one last glare to Yena and Yujin, composing herself afterwards.

"Good morning everyone."

"Good morning, Ms. Park." The students got to their feet, greeting in unison. "Kindly take your seats." Their homeroom teacher, Haeyoon, adjured.

"Before we begin, I have an announcement. This is a bit late, for the second semester already began, but these two students have been highly recommended to  our university. I would like all of you to meet your new mates." The professor gestured the pair to come in.

The students entered, and both were doubtlessly good-looking. The first one seemed very poised. Howbeit, the moment they perceived who she is, murmurs ran across the area. The second girl, per contra, made the whole class hushed, just as though they've seen an angel. From the looks, it appears as if Sihyun have already been threatened by her.

"Kindly introduce yourselves, young ladies." The first student took a step forward, nodding. "Good day, I am Jo Yuri." With the bouncy accent she's been giving off, it goes without saying that she's from Busan.

"G-Good morning, I am M-Minju." The lass bowed, looking terrified as ever. As far as she's been informed, there wasn't "interact with a bunch of people" written on her mission.

"What your surname, Minju?" One of the boys interrogated, visibly trying to flirt. Minju baffled. She hasn't asked Chaewon about that, nor Chaewon did mentioned it.

Wait, Chaewon... right!

'Chaewon's mortal name could be known throughout their universe, maybe I could use it as well... what surname was it again?' Minju has gone all out just to remember it, desperately trying to force all her brain cells to function.


"Ah, y-yes! Apologies, I zoned out for a moment. The name's Minju, Kim Minju."


Time flew by swiftly and the bell rang for lunch break. Minju found a lunchbox inside her bag and saw a piece of paper attached.

'Hey! How's it going? Have you been doing well? I hope so.
It's going to be a rough day, but I know you'll make it through.
Good luck on your studies!

– Chaewon xoxo (ps. it's a slang for hugs and kisses. // pps. i'm not trying to be cutesy or whatnot. just worried. // ppps. ps means postscript. thank me later.)'

The effort made her smile like a child. No one has ever been concerned about her like this before.

Minju sat alone on a table. She hasn't made friends yet, but she absolutely wants to. The girl may sure look shy and composed, but truth be told, she's very bubbly; probably even more bubbly than her bestest friend, Nako. Speaking of the little devil, Nako's case rang a bell in her mind. Her child... it's...

"Uh, hey, can I sit with you?" Minju immediately turned around to face which voice it belongs. It wasn't just any other girl, it was her fellow transferee.

"Mm, sure. I don't really mind." As soon as the other girl sat down, giggles and gossips could be heard throughout the cafeteria.

'Is this girl... somewhat famous?' Minju kept asking herself until realization struck her.

Nako's child is the Jo Yuri in front of her. The youtuber lady whose... voice broke during one of her live videos.

Minju cleared her throat, trying to initiate a conversation. "Are you perhaps the Jo Yuri whose—"

"If you don't want me here, I would search for another place. I apologize." Yuri was about to get up, but the older refrained her to do so.

"No, no! Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I just wanted to have a chat with you. I don't have any friends here too. Anyhow, Kim Minju's the name." The taller girl gave her a sweet smile, melting the other instantly.

"Jo Yuri." The pair shook hands. Yuri paid back Minju's smile.


Whilst they are chatting, three girls were eyeing them.

"Looks like Sihyun's rival have barged in." Yunjin teased.

Sihyun tried her best to remain quiet; it was hard to admit but Yunjin was right. That transferee really is a visual. She can't do anything but throw sharp looks at her.

"Really? Because from what I see, my uncle's ingrown toenail looks better than her."

"Oh, shut it, both of you. Well yeah, she must be prettier, but that doesn't mean she's a rival. Think, girls. She could definitely help us and be the key to our success." Yiren sneered. "We could maneuver her to get everything from that Ahn Loser. We can use her to make those blind people witness Yujin's downfall."

"Hold on, I don't get it. If Minju's gonna be Yujin's rival, wouldn't that make her our rival in the future? We can't just let her win, we've been waiting for that comedown for years and we won't let it slip away." Sihyun said, gazing upon their prey meters away.

"Of course not, airhead. If I didn't let Yujin take that place, I would certainly never allow a transferee take that throne from me. Though for now, our goal is to turn that loser to ashes. Our priority is revenge.."

"... revenge against my lovely,
former best friend."

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