Chapter 6

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"I....", Gayoung hesitates.

Minjae sighs. "You look misserable...Dohwan looks even worst....I need to know why did you choose to be misserable..."

"What happen with Dohwan?", Gayoung asked worriedly.

"You broke up with him, remember? You dont need to know....", Minjae rolled his eyes. She clearly still cares for him. A lot.

"I just didnt want to be the one who ruined his dream...."


"When we were still friend...did you remember how he always said that he wanted to be a great make his mom and dad proud...", Gayoung is staring at the street like she's been searching for an old memory.

"Yes....", Minjae nodded.

"Since I and Dohwan together....he kept rejecting a drama offer..."

"Huh? Why?"

"He said...the story wasnt good enough...and else...but I knew it wasnt the real reason...his manager told me that...Dohwan said he didnt want to take a drama with a kissing scene..because he cant do that with another girl..."


"Silly, isnt it?", Gayoung chuckles. "It will be really funny, if it wasnt costed him a lot of missed good opportunity..."

"Maybe he choose not to do that because he just didnt want to...and that has nothing to do with you being his girlfriend....", Minjae reasoned.

"Oh really? Then explain to me why he took another romance drama as soon as we broke up?"

"Maybe...because it has a good story..."

"Maybe...", Gayoung said eventhough she didnt believe that was the reason.

"If you really believe that it was because of you...then why didnt you just tell him that you're okay with him doing kiss scene with another girl..."

"You think I havent done that??", Gayoung looks at Minjae like he just said the stupidest thing. "I did....and he brushed it of like it was nothing...."

"So you lied to him that you werent ready...and broke his heart...", Minjae sighs.

"That's the only way!", Gayoung frustated. "And it works, doesnt it??"

"Yeah...but it costed his happiness...and yours too..."

"But if I choose to'll cost his dreams..his future...", if only Minjae knew how much she actually wanted to be selfish and stay by his side. But she couldnt do that. She didnt want him to regret their relationship later. "That sadness...It'll pass....and he'll move on...."

"I dont think so..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I saw the way Dohwan used to look at you...and I knew that it wasnt the kind of love you can easily move on from..."

Gayoung stirred her cold coffee. She didnt know what to say. It's hard to believe what Minjae said, because the last time they met, he clearly said that he has moved on. Beside, even if he didnt, it wont change a thing. The decission was made. They broke up. There's no going back. "Are you going to MBC drama awards?", Gayoung tried to change the subject.

"No...I have shooting schedule for MV..."

"Oh...", Gayoung disappointed. "I'll be going alone then..."

"Dohwan will be there..."

"I knew...and it's even worst....", Gayoung sighs. How could she changed the subject and ended up still talking about Dohwan.

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