Chapter 8: Privateers

Start from the beginning

Holli dealt a sun card and Cora feigned indifference, "Really Holli, if you're going to claim mastery you ought to at least pretend to be good."

Holli scoffed, "I don't pretend." 

Gen resisted a smirk, and threw down three cards: Two moons and... an Immortal Tree card. Holli and Skye gaped. 

Cora squealed and they high-fived. 

"How long were you holding that?" demanded Skye while Holli pouted. 

Gen shrugged, "Only the whole game." There were many opportunities when Cora wanted to play it but Gen avoided it until the perfect moment, and it was the perfect moment indeed. They had won. 

"I want a rematch," said Holli, blue eyes narrowed in an attempt at a pout.

Cora shrugged, "We'll just beat you again."

They arrived at the island soon after and Gen was surprised that she had forgotten about her sea discomfort. 

Cora grabbed her hand and together they raced upstairs, "I can't wait for your reaction Gen!" Gen tried not to trip over her new periwinkle skirts. Cora had taken her for her fitting three weeks ago and when the clothes arrived a few nights before, Cora had her try them out for her and Anna, her maid. They oohed and ahed and praised her until Gen couldn't help but smile every time she looked in the mirror. She even posed a little.

Cora pulled her to the railing, and Gen gasped. They were docked at a small harbor but that wasn't what caught her attention. The ocean was a vast, cerulean living being with waves that swelled and breathed like a creature. The sky was an endless, cloudless blue that took her breath away. She had never seen so much sky. 

That wasn't even the most gorgeous part. That was the island. White sand beaches and bright, glorious green trees. The sun cast a warm glow over everything. So many flowers... 

Cora was looking at her awed expression with a pleased smile. She bumped her shoulder with hers, "Told you."

Gen couldn't will her mouth to answer. 


The next few hours might have been the best of Gen's entire life. They took a hike up Mt Terra and Fiona pointed out all the flowers to Gen's pleasure. Then they visited the ancient library where Lady Donna (from the early days of the kingdom) spent her life documenting the stories of the royal family and gods and demons while she was on exile by order of the tyrant, King Darrian. 

As the story goes, King Darrian's younger brother and Donna's lover, Prince Hugo challenged his brother to a duel for the crown and as self-absorbed as he was, he didn't refuse. Prince Hugo beat his brother using his wit and skill and was coronated king. Donna was pardoned from her exile and they were married a month later. 

The tales of Lady Donna were some of Gen and Mira's favorites growing up so seeing the actual library with its mosaic windows and endless rows of shelves, some of them still filled with the gilded manuscripts she must have read in her free time? It was wonderful. 

After the library, they visited the meadow- Fiona must have caught the hints. Riley proposed a game of Catch the Demon which ended disastrously as Skye "accidentally" drenched Riley in water after Riley (the demon) cheated with her wind gift and was hovering out of their reach. 

Thankfully, she used her manipulation of wind to dry herself off but not before threatening Skye with cleaning the galley for months as punishment. Fiona brushed off that claim. 

They had a picnic in the meadow (sandwiches and pastries from the palace- delicious). Then they went to the beach. With some hesitation, Gen waded out knee-deep in the water. It was cool against her legs and skirts. Cora splashed her and shocked, Gen splashed back resulting in a girl wide water war (Skye cheated with her gift). They were all soaking wet when they were done, but their smiles were wide and Gen's stomach ached from laughing so much. 

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