27. you chose the wrong side

Start from the beginning

"Marcel," Klaus whispers in shock. "How...?"

"How did I get in your house?" That was true, the house was under Freya's name. They shouldn't have gotten in. "I have friends who can nullify a deed, foreclose on a property," he snaps his fingers, "like that."

"Or did you mean," he continued. He was angry, so angry. "How am I not a rotting corpse?"

"I thought my friend was dead, but here you are," Klaus slowly walked up to him. "Send your friends away. Lets talk."

Ariel noticed how whenever Klaus did Marcel wrong, he would always try and make everything better. Elijah killing him was Marcel's last straw though, she saw it in her vision. If her vision were to come true, she couldn't have Marcel come near Kol. She couldn't lose him, again.

Ariel wanted to curse at Kol when he stepped up to poke at Marcel. "Going to put on a little show Marcellus?"

"Damn straight I am," he turned around and opened his arms. "The fall of the Mikaelsons." Marcel looks past Kol and right at her. "Keep the angel alive. She'll come with me after we're done here."

"Any of you lay one hand on her, you're dead!" Kol shouted to everyone in the building. He then set his eyes on Marcel. "All of us loved Davina, she wouldn't want this."

"She's dead because of you!" Marcel pointed at him.

"You're an insult to her."

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion after that. Marcel reached for Kol so quickly, she had no time to react. His fangs extracted, digging into his neck. Kol screamed out in pain as the venom seeped through.

"KOL!" Ariel tried to run to him as he was thrown across the room, but Klaus grabbed her arm.

"Take him," he made her look at him. "Take Kol and leave. Go as far as you can. You both don't deserve this. Save him. Save yourself."

Ariel tried to process everything quickly, but what Klaus was asking her was crazy. He shook her, making his voice more stern. "Ariel, I love you, and you have been such a huge part in this family. That's why I'm telling you and Kol to leave. And this isn't a decision."

She faltered back a little and saw a couple vampires approaching to stop her. Looking at Klaus one more time, she grabbed Kol and super sped out of there. Any vampire that stood in her way turned to dust. Kol felt heavy in her arms as she ran through the streets of New Orleans. He was awake, but in much pain.

She stopped in an alleyway a couple miles from the Mikaelson mansion. She set Kol down against the wall and examined his neck. It was bad.

"I'll save you," Ariel promised him.

Kol opened his eyes and smirked. "Love, I don't know if you can."

"Don't say that!" she raised her voice at him; a couple tears formed in her eyes. "I'm not losing you again."

"Thought you could outrun us?" Ariel quickly turned around to see twenty vampires surrounding them. Of course they would follow her; she should've kept running.

"I can outplay you though," she motioned for them to attack.

Three came up to her with inhuman speed. She caught the first one by the throat, snapping it with a quick flick of her wrist. She tried not to kill any of them as they came at her, but it was starting to get really difficult.

One jumped on her back, biting into her shoulder, but she slammed their body against the wall, cracking their ribs in the process. She dodged one of the final ones who ran up to her. He smushed his fingers into her shoulder wound and she cried out in pain. He went to take another bite out of her neck, but with no other choice, Ariel shoved her her hand through his chest and pulled his heart out. She had killed many people before, but it still felt weird seeing the light leave their eyes.

"Your shoulder..." Kol wearily looked at the blood seeping from her shirt.

Ariel pushed his hand away. "I'll heal. We need to worry about you right now."

She felt herself become annoyed with her fiancé. He could've stayed back and not provoked Marcel. He could've just stayed by her side and be safe. She wanted to yell at him, but she would waste time on saving him.

Ariel picked him up again and sprinted away. She saw the sign stating that she was leaving New Orleans.


The woods were the best place to hide.

Ariel's adrenaline pounded through her as she ran. She felt the connection between her and Kol getting weaker, signaling that he was becoming more sick.

"Stop. I - I-" Kol fell out of her arms and coughed up blood all over the dirty floor.

She set him up against a tree and examined his neck. The venom was close to his heart; he'd be dead within the hour. Her eyes started watering up, hands trembling over his face.

Kol took her hands and placed them against his heart. "Even if my heart stops beating, my love for you will never fade away Ariel Summers."

Ariel was about to give up on everything, but a memory popped into her head. Back in Mystic Falls, she had saved her best friend, Matt Donovan, from a car wreck in the river.


Ariel placed her hands on Kol's chest and started saying the Lord's prayer. Kol looked at her bewildered. He saw her hair start to rise up and a light gleam from his chest. Blood started dripping from her nose.

"No! Ariel stop!" Kol remembered when she did this with the human she cared about. She had almost died then.

Ariel felt herself starting to go, but she could do this. An angel like her was powerful; nothing could stop her. She prayed and chanted to her God above. Her mind travelled elsewhere, bringing her to God.

"How many times will you have to save him?" God asked at the gates of Heaven. "He puts you through so much pain."

"When you love someone, you'll do anything for them," Ariel calmly answered. She felt relaxed, at peace here.

God walked up to her, putting his hands in hers. "Come home, sweet angel."

Oh how she missed Heaven. It was her melody, her sacred place. A tear slipped down her cheek. "I want to, but I built a new life back on Earth. They need me down there. Kol, my soulmate, is down there. I will visit whenever I can, but please God, spare Kol's life. I will do anything for him."

"We will spare his life," God started walking back to the gates. "However, in one thousand years, you will turn mortal. It seems far away, but trust young angel, it will come soon enough."

Ariel didn't care about her punishment. She thanked God and was flashed back to reality. She didn't see anything, however, just a dark abyss waiting in front of her.


sooo much happened HOLY!!! i've finally updated and i'm feeling good about this book

only one or two chapters left, lets get itttt


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