15. who are you?

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SHE STOOD at the tombstone labeled Kaleb Westphall. Her heart ached as she slightly touched the engraved name with her fingers. Witches and family members of Kaleb walked by and wondered who this girl was. It was still weird to her that Kaleb was an actual human being that Kol's soul took over.

Ariel wondered if he was watching her right now, reaching out but only able to touch the wind. The sky was dull and cloudy; mist of rain fell onto her hair. Deciding if she stayed here a minute longer she would break down again, Ariel exited the cemetery and went into the first bar she saw.

"Give me your strongest drink," Ariel mumbled and stared at her hands.

The bartender filled up a shot glass up and set it right in front of her. "Rough day?"

She drank the shot in one gulp, shaking her head. "Don't want to talk about it. Keep them coming."

"Well I'm Zeke," he filled up the shot glass again for her. "These are on the house by the way."

Ariel looked up at him carefully, seeing his gaze on her. He smirked and cleaned the glass in his hand. She sensed flirtation as he bit his lip and situated himself in front of her.

"You have other people to tend to," she reminded him.

"Oh, I know," his hand rested on top of hers and he leaned over the counter. "But I like this view right here."

Ariel stared at him with pure rage, lifting her finger ever so slightly. He flew across the bar and into a table. Everyone looked at him in awe as Ariel made her way over to him.

"I lost the one person I loved the most!" she yells at him, but no tears came out. "You have the audacity to try and flirt with me? Rot in hell you bastard."

Zeke looked at her confused, wondering how he was supposed to know she lost someone. Ariel stormed out of the bar, making sure to never go there again. She headed into her apartment and almost used her powers again, but stopped when she saw it was just Klaus.

"What are you doing here?" The two haven't talked for a couple of days since the tragedy. Klaus knew he needed to give the angel some time to herself.

Klaus didn't say anything at first, just came over and hugged her. "I know what you're thinking," he started out with. "Please don't leave New Orleans."

Ariel pushed herself away from Klaus. "You can't tell me what to do. This was never my home in the first place because Kol was my home. I'm going to travel the world and find witches who can bring him back."

"You have that here," Klaus reasoned with her. "Rebekah is searching already, along with Davina. Please Ariel, you made a life for yourself here and I'm not going to let you ruin that. I – We need you here."

Ariel crossed her arms and smiled for the first time in days. "Did you just say you need me?"

Klaus scoffed. "Of course not." Ariel glared at him and he sighed. "I might be very fond of you, but that doesn't mean I'm not a badass hybrid."

"Just because you said that I'll stay," Ariel grinned and pushed the thought of moving out of her head. "You Mikaelsons are a piece of work, but I've managed to deal with you guys. You're like a second family to me and plus, Asher loves it here. I can't leave him. Rebekah, Davina, and I will do our work here."

"Good," Klaus pats her back. "Welcome to the family."


The windows opening awoke Ariel from her deep sleep. She cursed under her breath as she was finally getting some good quality rest this week. She got up and latched the windows shut again, turning around to be startled.

A man in a suit stood before her. He had a dark and menacing demeanor to him. "You must be Ariel Summers."

She stayed where she was, ready to attack at any second. "Who are you?"

"I'm Cade," he smiles, holding out a hand. "God has sent me to collect you for your crime and punishment."

"What the hell did I do?" Ariel asked in disbelief. "I'm a damn angel!"

"Not anymore you are."

In one swift movement, Cade engulfed her and brought her down to the fiery pits of hell. Ariel screamed for help, but no one heard. Feeling weak and utterly useless, she looked at the torture that stood before her.

"Welcome to your new home."



WELL THAT JUST HAPPENED. God sent her down there because she chose to be selfish with kol and chose the mikaelson family instead if ya remember that.

part two should be coming in the next couple of weeks, but i do have finals coming up so idk when.

a familiar face will play its way into ariel's life, any guesses who that'll be ;)

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