19. now or never

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ASHER SUMMERS looked at Klaus who had a look of disbelief on his face. He had just told the hybrid the news of Ariel being in hell; he was wrong about her all along.

"Well...how do we get her out?" Klaus asked as he didn't want to show his emotions.

Asher sighed, knowing their way was a theory, not a fact. "Kol and Ariel's bond is stronger than ever. If Davina can bring Kol back from the dead, it could draw her here back to earth. However, she needs to do something on her end, we just don't know how we'll let her know."

"It sounds like you don't believe this could work," Klaus pointed out. He could tell the way he was stating everything. "But, it's the best thing we have right now. When will we do this?"

"Tonight," Asher didn't make eye contact with Klaus as he knew he wouldn't like how it would happen. "Lets just hope she knows what to do."


Ariel always strived to get things done. She would work and work until she had accomplished the task. With this purity stone, that statement might've been a lie. She tried almost everything to activate it, but it wouldn't even crack open.

"I'm done!" she threw it down, hoping in someway it would crack; it didn't. "Guess we're stuck down here forever."

Kai picked up the stone and whispered, "Open sesame." Nothing. "Well, it was worth a shot."

The angel didn't even laugh, just took the stone back and wondered what Davina would do. At times like these, she wishes she was a witch of New Orleans.

Kai perked up his head when he heard Ariel mumble a couple of words in Latin. He held out his hand, making her look up at him confused. "Channel me."

"No," Ariel protested immediately. Last time someone channeled her she almost died; she wouldn't do that to Kai.

He nudged her with his hand. "Do it or I will throw that stone in a lava pit. This is the most logical chance of you getting back on earth."

Ariel – not so happy with the idea – took Kai's hand and focused all her energy on the stone. Nothing happened at first, but it started to crack as on earth, Davina was bringing Kol back.

Having everything she needed, the blood of two brothers and the ash of the dead, the spell was ready. Davina knew it was time to bring him back, so she started to perform the spell. With her powers stronger, it didn't take too much out of her.

In Hell, Ariel continued to channel Kai as a portal started to open. The warlock smiled, knowing his best friend would be out soon. He let go of her hand once the portal was completely open. Ariel opened her eyes, seeing that the stone had turned into dust.

"It's now or never," Kai helped her up and walked over to the portal. "Only one of us can go and that's going to be you."

The reality of this whole situation dawned on her: she would he going home, but leaving Kai behind. Her hands found their way to his cheeks, wiping away a few tears that came from his face.

"You are extraordinary," she began with. "You're smart, brave, and will go after anything he wants. Kai Parker, I promise that you will get out of here. I don't know by whom, but I know you will. You don't belong down here."

Kai kissed the top of her head, relishing his last moments with her. "You are the best, Ariel Summers. In fact, I deserve just one friendly kiss on the lips."

"In your dreams, Parker."

Ariel clasped his hands one more time, going towards the portal. A hand grabbed her wrist and she thought it was Kol, but the devilish face of Cade made her jump back.

"You're not going anywhere angel," Cade yanked her to the ground. He lifted his hand, making Ariel's throat close up her air way.

Her hands went to her throat as she tried to gasp for air. Ariel felt tears come, knowing that she wasn't as powerful down here and she couldn't escape.

"Kiss my ass, bitch!" A loud smack sound echoed throughout the cave. Cade released his grasp on Ariel, falling to the floor in unconsciousness. Kai had the pot in his hands, dropping it quickly and helping Ariel up.

"Go before he wakes up! I'll be okay," Kai promised her.

Ariel looked down at Cade one more time before running into the portal. It closed after her entry, leaving Kai all by himself yet again.


All she could see was white.

She didn't know how long, but Ariel awaited her return to earth. The smell of air, water, and soil filled her nostrils as she knew she was getting closer. Her heart began to beat fast, not knowing what it exactly meant.

Landing in a church basement, she breathed in heavily. Her legs shook when she stood up, taking in her surroundings. First, she saw a left over spell on the floor. Then, she saw Davina smiling profusely at her. Lastly, she saw him.

Ariel locked eyes with her true love: Kol Mikaelson. He only had pants on, just being brought back as well. She covered her mouth with her hand as she saw him in his regular body. Davina slowly backed out and closed the door, giving the two some privacy and going to tell Asher about his sister's return

"Ariel Summers," Kol used his vampire speed (he missed that so much) and stood right in front of her. "Are we really here? Together?"

Her hand traces his chest, slowly going up to his face. She had to make sure he was real and he was; goosebumps formed wherever her fingers landed and a pulse could be felt. Tears streamed down her face as she brought him down for a kiss.

Kol gripped her waist and held her as close as he could to himself. He hadn't been in this body forever and the feeling of being their true selves again. The kisses weren't hurried, they were slow. Messages of 'i've missed you so much' and 'i love you' were said without words. Kol brought her over to the bed and laid her down.

Ariel sucked in a breath as he left kisses up her stomach, chest, and neck. He connected their lips again, not caring about she looked from six months of Hell. She was damn beautiful no matter what.

Two souls, losing each other over and over again finally found each other. She escaped Hell because of Kol Mikaelson. That right there, was the most powerful bond in the universe.



kai will be doing fine though he'll get out of Hell soon rememberrr #tvd maybe ariel and him will meet up again ;)

anyways, that's the end of the short AU part and we're getting into season 3. that'll probably mean less frequent updates since i have to watch the episode ya know

and i feel like my writing's been a little sloppy these last chapters. i apologize if they are because i'm just so excited to get these up!

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