Underswap Papyrus x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Hey Papyrus, is eve-" right before you could get the door fully opened, a bone flew and went through the door.

Your eyes widen and you looked at the bone which was inches from your head. You did a shaky breath as you looked over to see Papyrus floating in the air with magic surrounding him and curled into a ball...chuckling?

"What the hell?" You mumbled with a shaky breath.

His room was destroyed as furniture was destroyed and bones that have went through the walls. Even a window was shattered along with a painting that use to hang on the wall making the glass spread through out the floor.

You could feel your breath go hitched at the sight. This was dofferent and terrifing at the same time. You quickly slammed the door open and started towards him. "Papyrus!" You yelled attempting to get his attention.

It worked, just not the way you wanted it to. You could see his head slowly turn to you making you stop in your tracks. His pinpricks were very different. The left one was small and was a dark orange while the other one was a bit bigger and was engulfed with orange flames, like he was...fighting someone.

He has told you about one nightmare when it slipped out on accident. He explained to you about timelines and about a demon child named Frisk. Apparently, he had a dream that Frisk possessed you and you started going Genocide on everyone you see, including his brother.

Saddly, you had know idea if it was him having that nightmare or something else. It was just a thought.

Once he saw you, he uncurled from his ball position and looked at you with the most terrifying face that you will never forget. He was smiling as he looked pissed since his flame looked like it got bigger once he saw you. The magic that was swirling around him looked like the milkway, but orange as it seemed to get bigger as well.

"Frisk, nice to see ya again." He said as he lifted his hand up.

Your eyes widen, it was a nightmare. But this time, he was having an active on.  You had to wake him up somehow. "Papyrus, I'm not Frisk. I'm (Y/N)." You said.

"Don't make me laugh." He chuckled coldly as you could see bones appear behind him.

"Oh boy, this is going to be harder than I thought." You mumbled as you backed up.

He then pointed at you making the bones come flying towards you with speed. Your eyes widen as you quickly jumped out of the way as the bones went through the door once again.

You were definetly not use to this since this has never happened to you before. You looked back up at Papyrus since you had fallen to the floor after that blast. He chuckled as pointed up with his finger. Good thing you knew that move as you quickly rolled to the side. Right where you were laying, about 6 very sharp bones came through the floor. You could feel your face go pale as did a small gulp.

You looked at the sight before you felt a sharp sting in your side. Looking down, you saw your tank top torn at the side and a large cut. Must of not noticed rigjt then since you were to busy dodging.

Papyrus was out of control and he thought you were Frisk. How are you suppose to stop that. That was not a good mix what so ever. He wasn't waking up and you were getting hurt in the process of trying to do so.

You growled as you quickly jumped to your feet and started to look around. Something, anything that could be useful in this situation. That's when you spotted Papyrus's phone on the ground by the destroyed nightstand.

You smiled as you looked back at Papyrus. You could call Sans, he would know what to do, you think. Papyrus still had that creepy ass smile on as he summoned a gaster blaster. Your smiled dropped as it opened its mouth and saw it charging up. You looked up in terror as it towere over you. You then snapped out of it as you did a gasp and you jumped forward as it fired, leaving a huge burn mark in the wall. You starred at the wall, that could of been you. These are some tough walls though, you thought as you quickly got back up and started towards the phone.

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