Chapter 6: *Untitled*

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I flinched as Shockwave poked my ankle with some Cybertronian medical tool that seemed a little too menacing to me. It was cold, and sent sharp flashes of pain that ran up my leg. The table I was sitting on was rather uncomfortable, and I shifted my position yet again in attempts to relieve myself of the discomfort.

"Stop moving," the Decepticon scientist demanded half-heartedly without even looking up at me. His attention was focused completely on my injured limb, and I shivered at the idea of him pondering my new, cyborg foot, designing the machine in his mind. He probably was.

"Okay," Ivy's voice rose up from the floor, although I couldn't see her, "you've been inspecting her foot like that for the past 15 minutes, and as far as I've seen, it's just getting more purple the more you poke and prod and hold it. Can you just heal her already? She came to hang out, not become another one of your research projects!"

"She has a point, ya know," I said quietly as the Con opened his mouth to speak, "and I'm still hungry."

"I must regretfully say I am unaware of how to logically treat or heal Leah's injury. I am not a doctor for organics."

"I noticed," I scoffed softly, avoiding the large bot's one-eyed gaze.

"Just build her a wheelchair or some crutches or something! Primus, if it means her check up will be over quicker just give her a fragging robotic foot. I'm bored," Ivy's voice ranted.

"Just go shoot the slagging wall then and be patient," I retorted, and then realized my companion may not get my reference. I waited for a response, but the silence that followed my comment confirmed my suspicions, "never mind. Just find some other way to entertain yourself, because he's not giving me some fragging robot foot! It could go wrong in so many ways."

"It would not be logical," Shockwave informed us both-to my relief after a brief yet thoughtful silence. I sighed happily, grateful once for the freak's impeccable common sense, "but it would not be completely illogical."

"I'm not getting a robot foot. Just pull up a picture of crutches on the computer-monitor-thingy-ma-boober and make some. They don't need to be perfect-they just need to work," I told the medic, muttering a silent prayer of thanks as he nodded and slowly made his way over to the computer, his digits typing away quickly.

I still couldn't see Ivy, my friend, although I knew she was in the room. Her colourful muttering was echoing off of the walls, just loud enough so I could make out what she was saying.

Again, colourful.

About half an hour later of me sitting on what turned out to be the most uncomfortable table in the history of tables, Ivy complaining until I'm sure her mouth was sore, and the logic-freak-idiot scientist working on my crutches, he was done.

"Thank the all-spark," I heard Ivy mutter loudly as I crawled onto Shockwave's offered servo, and he set me on the ground, sliding the pair of metal stick-things that closely resembled crutches onto the ground beside me.

I was soon set up with the pair of walking-assist tools that looked more like weapons than anything else, and Ivy and I were chatting away in a high-pitched manner that only girls could manage when they were enthusiastic.

"Next on my mental list," I said, turning to Ivy, "is food. I feel like my stomach has eaten itself."

"Girl, how long has it been since you've eaten?"

"Yesterday morning, I think," I told her, staring into the air, trying to recall my last meal, "I had an apple."

"No wonder," she said, patting my belly, to which I immediately responded with a rather restricted jerk of protest.

"Don't touch my fat. I'm very sensitive, besides, my food baby doesn't like being disturbed."

"Don't get an abortion!" She exclaimed jokingly, and I laughed.

"Seriously, though, what does it take to eat around here? Can we just like, Groundbridge Soundwave and Knockout to a grocery store after painting them all black like ninjas, and ask them to rob the stores of all their apples?" I asked the air, hunching over and leaning on my walking tools for support.

"What is it with you and apples?" my companion made a curious face, although her lips were curved into a smirk as she rested a hand on her hip, and I knew she and I were imagining the same image of those two bots.

"It's a bit of an obsession," I told her, remaining silent after. Such a statement shouldn't have to be explained.

"Like how Knockout is obsessed with himself? I swear I could smell the conceited-ness like a gas in the air. I thought I was going to choke."

The two of us shared a laugh that I've only ever heard girls accomplish together, and that probably hurt Shockwave's audio receptors. To us, however, it was a sign of pure happiness.

"Please do not make such an illogical noise," the medic said without turning to face us, an irritated edge in his tone. My suspicions were confirmed.

"Sorry," I muttered half heartedly, cringing as my stomach growled again, but laughed out loud when I remembered my conversation with Starscream.

"What's so funny?" Ivy questioned, raising her eyebrow at me as if I had suddenly lost all of my sanity.

"I pulled t-the most a-amazing prank on s-screamer this m-morning," I said in between laughs, gasping as I grinned in mild self-pride, "let's just say that he thinks I'm insane and that there's a beast lurking the ship who's growls sound like hungry teenage girl stomachs."


I'm so sorry.

I don't know what to say.

My lack of presence has made me feel so guilty, but all I can offer right now is this boring chapter as a peace offering.

Please don't kill me.

I've been going through some stuff guys, mainly just stress and emotional things that I needed to deal with without having much of a social life. It's good to be mostly back now, though.

I feel my motivation slowly returning.

Thanks for being loyal, I love you all.

-Loki Xx

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