Chapter five: Falling is just like Flying

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We reached the lab after probably 3 minutes, but to me, with my whining stomach, it felt like an eternity.

"Finally!" I exclaimed, and the Dauntless initiate inside me (Divergent reference) took over. I stood from my sitting position on Starscream's shoulder, and jumped off.

Scrap. I'm an idiot, I told myself as I plummeted feet first towards the ground, an over excited idiot.

I felt slightly disappointed that no one was there to scream 'Sherlock!' for me.

Suddenly, just when I thought it was my stupid time to die, there was a large servo there, and I landed in it, but got caught off-balanced, and collapsed onto it. I laughed. I didn't care who's it was, I was just extremely grateful for it.

"What in the name of the all spark was the fleshling trying to do?" A familiar, smooth voice exclaimed, and I glanced up from where I was sprawled out in the giant hand to see a bot with. A shiny red-and-white finish. It was Knockout, and I couldn't help but grin.

"I got over excited, I guess," I told him as I stood, and brushed invisible dust off of my shorts. The way he looked at me almost made me laugh aloud. He still looked cute, though.

"Yes, they both have a tendency to do that," Screamer interjected, before manhandling me and keeping his servo and digits wrapped around me.

I shivered and winced. He needed to watch the way he positioned his digits when grabbing and holding me. I was a woman, and it hurt.

To put it bluntly, Starscream was applying too much pressure to my feminine chest.

"I think you are hurting it," the medic said, noticing my expression, and I nodded vigorously.

"Dude, you're touching me. Like, touching," I informed the second in command, and the idiot tightened his grip, and I cried out. He obviously didn't care. I could feel his malicious smirk boring into my back. My pain brought him some twisted form of delight.

I turned to look at the conceited, red Con in front of me pleadingly.

"Dude, he's really, really hurting me. Help me. Please," I begged in a breathy voice.

"Starscream," the medic began, sounding thoughtful, as if he was going to say something, but he decided against it, closing his mouth.

"Fine," I muttered, pushing against the silver mech's digits as hard as I could, hands and feet both involved. I felt his grip release, and relished in my moment of triumph before I realized what was happening.

The ground came much faster than I had initially expected.

'Falling is just like flying, only with a much more permanent destination.' -Jim Moriarty.

I've always wanted to fly.

Focus, Brain, we're falling to the ground from an unsafe height. I scolded my wandering thoughts, and prepared myself for landing.

The extreme pain of landing on my feet jarred up my legs, beginning at my ankles and working it's way up like an electric current. My knees-which have always been weak- trembled with the landing, and almost gave out. My left ankle did though, and I fell to the ground, my left side taking most of the blow. I could feel bruises already forming. It took a few moments to recover, rubbing my sore calves until they were comforted enough to stand up straight, but intense agony still lingered in my ankle, a throbbing and burning sensation that made me worried.

I knew then that I could get hurt. Did that mean I could die? Or could my strange companion get hurt too?

"Dude," I muttered, my face scrunched up in discomfort, "I don't know about you guys, but a human's bones are rather fragile, and a drop from that height is just pushing the limit, if not stepping over the line."

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