Very Good

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Jiho's POV

"Hey I have an order for Woo." I said to the lady at the counter of the local pizza place.

I can't believe out of everything Hiro and Andy agreed on pizza, I handed the lady the money and she handed me the two pizza's. I headed back to the house, since this place was a ten minute walk from the house I took my time since the pizza's were still really hot. Some fans seen me and wanted pictures, I made sure never to turn them down because if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be where I am today. I got home just in time to see Izzy coming out of the bedroom in a sexy but modest black dress and silver heels, I couldn't help but grin at her as she started to blush.

"Here you guys go." I handed Andy the pizza, Hiro was still playing the game on the PS3 not even paying attention.

"Ya know, one thing I will never get used to is corn and sweet potato on my pizza." Andy laughed while shoving pizza in his mouth.

"One thing I will never get used to is why you guys like pizza so much." I felt arms wrap around me and I turned around.

"Are you sure you can handle the babies and Hiro?" Izzy asked still looking into my eyes.

"Really Izzy, you know we'll be fine. Just enjoy yourselves and dont worry about us."

I grabbed her jacket and we were out the door, I'd managed to get a reservation at one of the nicest restaurants in Gangnam.  We took the subway, trying to fit in and not really get noticed since this was our first night out together since the twins. Unfortunately when we got off at the stop closest to the restaurant a bunch of fans seen us and crowded us, they wanted to ask questions, take pictures and get autographs. We just didn't have time for this right now since our reservation was in ten minutes. I grabbed Izzy's hand and pulled her through the crowd and continued on to the restaurant, the fans followed us and stood outside the restaurant. We talked to the man at the counter and were lucky to have a seat towards the back of the building so we could have time to talk. We spent about two hours eating and talking before slipping out the back door, I planned for us to walk along the Han river next.

"Have you had a good night with me so far?" I looked at Izzy.

"Of course Jiho, just think though once were on tour again we'll have nights to ourselves again." she laughed. "I wish they could all come with us."

"I know but just think, it'll go by in no time and we'll be home for a while."

"Actually, I talked to Stephen a few days ago, I'm going to be doing alot of interviews in the U.S and Europe shortly after the tour and then I have another U.S. tour, after that I'll be doing a Japan tour. I figured I'd bring the kids so you could work on promoting the album with the guys." She said.

"What, why didnt you tell me when you found out? What are we supposed to do and what are the kids going to think?"

She stopped me,"Jiho, calm down. We both knew that we had fans to please when we first met. The kids will be fine, you can fly out to see us and we'll come back just need to trust me that everything will be okay."

"It's not like I have a say really now do I?!" I walked ahead of her.

Andy's POV

"Ha you really think your gonna beat me, your crazy kid." I nudged Hiro with my elbow while we were playing battlefield.

"Your going down Uncle Andy!" He screamed.

The twins both started crying right after that, I paused the game and got up to get them out of their cribs. They continued to cry, I brought them out to the living room to change their diapers and get them bottles. Hiro seemed to be getting upset so I decided to ask what was up with him.

"What's wrong buddy?"

"I just hate how everything is since they came along. It seems like noone knows I'm here anymore everything is about them now." I couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"Hey, listen that's not true. I know your loved very much here, it's just like when you were little you needed all of your mom's attention and for a little while their going to need some more than you. Tell your mom how you feel and I'm sure she'll make you feel better. Once their back asleep we can continue the game okay." He smiled.

 The twins fell asleep and I went to put them back in their crib and look for Hiro. I looked around the house when I found him sound asleep in him bed, guess I was on my own to play battlefield now. I looked at the clock and seen it was only nine and I figured Izzy and Jiho would be out for a little while.

Izzy's POV

Jiho disappear ahead of me, I wasn't afraid here though since its one of safest places I've lived. I continued to walk along slowly dragging my heels as I walked. I didn't even notice that someone had started to walk next to me until I looked up to see YoungBae, I smirked and shook my head.

"Where did you come from?"

"I was at a restaurant with the rest of Big Bang when I seen you walking alone, I figured I'd walk with you to make sure your safe." He smiled.

"Why wouldn't I be safe, look how busy it is here...I'm really just surprised no fans have jumped me yet."

He pointed behind us, "Your being followed."

I looked to see a crowd of people quietly following me and I laughed. We continued to walk whispering to each other to let the crowd think we were talking about something important. When we got to the subway I told him I'd be fine and we parted ways acknoldging that we'd see eachother in a few weeks. I got down into the subway and sat on a bench, I pulled out my phone to check instagram and see if my sister posted any pictures of her daughter lately.

"I'm sorry." I looked up and Jiho was sitting on the next bench over.

"I should have told you, I just...I just didnt want you to get stressed out over it. So can we please just pretend like it's not coming until after we get back from our tour." He got up and sat at the bench with me.

"Alright, we'll figure it out when the time comes then, I have one more place I wanna take you in the heart of Seoul and we'll be able to walk home from there."

We got on the next train and were at our stop in twenty minutes, he lead me a few blocks away from the subway to a bar. Once we were inside I seen that it was packed with people dancing and trying to talk over the music.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"You don't remember this place, Over there is the place I sat the first time I seen you." He pointed to the bar.

"Is it really? That's awesome that you rememberd babe." I kissed his cheek.

"Haha yea, it's one of my favorite memories. Lets go get a bottle of Soju" He pulled me through the crowd.

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