Charleston part 2

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A/N: Sorry I know I said I was going to update on saturday or sunday but I ended up working alot because people called out. So without furthur adu here we are.

Zico's POV

Kyung and myself got lost looking for the restaurant, we walked down an ally and ended up infront of some hospital and continued to walk for 30 mins before we were at an aquarium. I was starting to get irritated before I was able to flag down a taxi. The guy knew exactly where we needed to go and we arrived in 10 minuets, Late. We walked in and as soon as Izzy saw us she waved excitedly. As I walked closer to the table I seen a lady who looked to be in her 50's that was almost identical to Izzy's sister Amanda.

When we got to the table I sat between Izzy and her father, Kyung was on Izzy's otherside next to her mother. There was a really awkward silence for a few minuets before Izzy started a conversation.

"So mom, how have you been?"

"You know honey, working all the time and looking after your brother." she answered."So who are your friends?"

"Oh this is Taeil, P.O., Kyung, U-kwon, B-bomb,Jaehyo and this is my boyfriend, Zico."

Izzy's POV

When my mom asked who the boys were I figured it was best to give her their stage names until it was necessary. I seen my mother and fathers expression change when I told then that I was dating Zico. I'm assuming now I'm going to get and earful.

"Izzy, honey, How do you have a boyfriend when your married?" My mother asked.

One thing about my mother is she was very understanding and would listen to any our problems. She never agreed with my father and Branden's parents wanting us to get married.

"Well, I'm divorcing Branden, you guys have no clue how abusive he really is and I decided that I was going to stay with Amanda one night. Well I had to find a new band to tour with me and that ended up with me going to South Korea and finding them. Before I left though I walked in on Branden having sex with Andy's girlfriend. So I'm done. I have a hearing in a week, like I told dad earlier." I looked between them.

"Oh, well honey no matter what happens I support you." She said.

"So, Zico what exactly are your ententions with my daughter." My father started.

We all stared at him before looking at Zico. He looked at me and smiled before answering.

"Well, I intend on keeping her happy, she's a nice girl and I think she deserves a man that want's to take care of her and Hiro." He looked back at me.

My father seemed pleased with that answer.

"So with you living in South Korea, does that mean that you'll be moving Isabella?"

"Uh, about that. I've already been thinking about moving back here or to Seoul. I'm just not entirely sure where yet."

Our food arrived and we all ate. My parents continued to question Zico and the rest of the guys about the tour and how we were all getting along, before we knew it, it was time to head to the areana. I payed for everything even though my parents insisted. The guys got into the truck with my dad and I rode with my mother in her blue corvette.

Kyung's POV

We were all quick to pile into the back of the truck so that Zico would have to sit with Izzy's dad. You could tell he was uncomfortable but he had to ask her dad a personal question anyways.

"Ya know I'm not happy about the Branden situation, but if he was really bad to my Isabella I'm glad someone was willing to save her. I just wish you guys woulda met after she got divorced." Jack said.

"I understand sir, Truthfully I had no intentions of dating Izzy, we just kind of clicked, in the two months though I've fallen really hard for her. I only want to make her happy." Zico replied.

"I greatly appreciate that. But how is this relationship going to work with you living in Seoul?"

"Well, I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I know she's getting divorced and I know we've only been together for a few months but I don't wanna ask without your permission. I want to marry your daughter after the divorce is final. I want to purpose when were in florida and I want you guys there along with Amanda and Hiro." Izzy's father looked at him like he was crazy.

 "Do you really think that's the best idea, she's getting divorced. It's bad enough that your dating her already. But I don't think I can support that." Zico looked pissed now.

"Ya know, I respect you as her father and I told you I know it's the right thing to ask you but I'm not going to abide by what you've said. I love her and I'm not going to lose her. If you don't except it fine but I'm sure her mother and herself will appreciate it." He got out of the car and walked into the Arena.

Izzy's POV

I got out of my mother's car and walked towards the SUV when I seen Jiho get out and head to the door leading back stage. Kyung got out of the car and I looked at him, he seen me and quickly looked away. I walked up to the car and opened my father's door.

"What did you do to him?" I demanded.

"Nothing, the boy is fine"

"Daddy, I'm not stupid, I know you did something to him. He's always in a good mood so you had to have done something." I pushed past him and went to find Zico.

I walked into the arena and I seen him leaning up against a wall with a foul expression. I walked up to him and he smirked but it soon disappeared.

"What's wrong Jiho?" He was getting ready to answer me when he looked behind me. He decided to talk in Korean.

"I have a surprise set up for you and your father doesn't agree with me." He looked away.

"Well who cares what he thinks. After forcing me to marry Branden I really dont care. Yeah he's my dad but I don't talk to him on important things" He looked back up at me.

"I love you nuna" He smiled.

"I love you too, so what is this surprise?" I asked.

"Nuna, I'm not telling you, you'll find out soon though." He grabbed my hand and we went into a dressing room to get ready.


The boys went out and did their set, my parents and best friend Ashley were standing in the front row. Looking out at the crowd I seen a bunch of people I went to school with, I loved being home even if I didn't really talk to anyone anymore. I watched as the boys danced, after they finished mental breaker they started thanking the crowd for coming out. I heard Zico say something about a surprise and asked everyone if they thought he should wait. All of a sudden I heard people chanting my name, I looked over at them and they were motioning for me to come out onto the stage. I kept shaking my head declining when Zico came and grabbed my hand, he pulled me out into the middle of the stage.

Zico looked into my eyes as he spoke. "I know I've only known you a short amount of time, but I love you more than you know. I don't want to be apart from you ever, you make me so happy and I wanna make you and Hiro happy for the rest of your lives." He knelt down and I started to catch on, I didn't know if this is what I wanted, I love Zico but it's been a couple months. He looked back up at me and pulled a beautiful white gold solitaire ring out of his pocket. "Will you marry me?" I smiled and looked out at everyone. My father seemed pissed and my mother was gapping at us. I heard my friend Ashley yell to me. "Say Yes." I looked back and him, "Yes Oppa" His face was priceless, he got up and picked me us twirling me around. I kissed him and walked backstage so they could finish their set.

When they finished I went on and did my set. The crowd was pretty cool, I just couldnt shake off feeling like I really should have thought about getting engaged before just saying yes. I need to talk to him after my set is done. I finished up and hour and a half later and we were going to do a meet up afterwards at a local bar.

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