Familiar Face

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I woke up and it was going for twelve p.m. I quietly got out of bed and got dressed. I went out to find me and Andy breakfast. I decided I'd get mcdonald's for Andy since he didn't really like the Korean food yesterday.

When I got back he was already awake.

"I was afraid something happened to you. Are you okay"

"Yeah I'm fine. I just got us breakfast." I laughed.

He walked up to me and grabbed the bag of food before he sat on the floor and rummaged through it. He pulled out some egg mcmuffins and hash browns. He took a bite of the muffin and make the most ridiculous face.

"Ahhh....it doesn't taste exactly like home but it's close enough" he continued to eat.

"ya know, I worry about you sometimes" i laughed.

He stopped and looked at me before talking with his mouth full. I had no clue what he just said so i tilted my head in question.

He swallowed "So what's the plan for today"

"well I figured we could sight see for a bit and maybe look at more stores around here."

He nodded before finishing his food and getting dressed.

An hour later and we were heading out with our arms linked....we decided to just shop some more today and sight see all day tomorrow. Walking through the streets fans stopped us to take pictures and talk. I had to translate alot for Andy. We were enjoying ourselves.

My mind started to wonder as I was still trying to figure out who the guy from last night was. He knew me but that didn't really mean anything now that I was famous. I was starting to get pissed off until Andy shook me and asked me about the shirt he had on.

We shopped until six and then we headed back to the hotel to get ready for the show. We decided it was best if we disguised ourselves so that we didn't ruin their show.

I found a long black wig to wear and andy found a red one styled as a mohawk. I wore black skinny jeans and a block B shirt I found in a shop with some bright red shoes. Andy wore his white skinny jeans and my falling in reverse shirt. We laughed at how ridiculous we looked but headed to the arena.

No one seemed to notice us and we didn't really get strange looks like we thought we would. We stood in line for about an hour and neither of us could remember the last time we'd waited to see a show. Andy had no clue what kind of music they did so I knew he probably wasn't going to enjoy this as much as I would.

Once we got inside there was a bunch of fan girls and a few guys walking around and talking amongst themselves. I got us VIP tickets so we would be watching from the side of the stage.

Even though they weren't a big band their VIP tickets were expensive for an average salaried person, so I wasn't surprised when me and Andy were the only ones on the side stage. This crowd was going insane for them, they cheered and waved their glow sticks waiting for the band to come on.

All of a sudden on the screen a count down started and it got silent. 3....2....1....and the band started coming out with masks on. I recognize the masks from the Very Good video....then the familiar beat starts and I smiled. Andy looked at me with pure disappointment on his face until they threw their masks into the crowd and started singing. When the leader started rapping he turned towards us and when I seen him. I realized he was the guy at the bar last night.

"Andy, that's the guy"

"What guy" he was confused.

"The guy from last night that talked to me at the bar" i smiled "That's why he looked so familiar to me"

"Oh" was all he said.


*I seen the way she was looking at the leader of the group. I knew that she found him really attractive. If only she knew that I've liked her since we first met 4 years ago. I'm pretty sure she only sees me as her friend though and that's just going to have to be enough*

"their not so bad...better than what I expected when you said boy band" I said to her.

"Yea, I really think they could make it big...but even if they didn't I'd still listen to their music" she smiled at me.

I linked arms with her and watched as she sung the words to their songs. She was so beautiful even if she didn't look like her normal self...I can't wait to get home and tell Brandon exactly what I think of him and Juliet.

We watched the rest of the show and when it was over we waited back stage for the guys to change and come out to talk to us.

We watched them all come in and sit on the couch across from us.

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