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I'm glad you've chosen to read this book- Let me just tell you first though, right here, right now before someone has a go at me for it-

Updates on this book will be completely random and (I'm praying here guys) No less than once a month.
If I don't update in a while, I've probably got
A) Writers block
B) Too much homework
C) Assessments

But hopefully, I'll make it to the end of this book. If not, enjoy the ride whilst it lasts.


Ellowyn Fitzpatrick is a Teller. Someone who wanders the fallout and seeks accommodation with settlements she passes in exchange for stories of the outside world many people had grown to fear.

She keeps to herself and she keeps out of trouble for the most part, abiding by the unspoken rules of a Teller.

1. Stay away from the cities
2. Don't go anywhere near danger zones
3. Never trust people you meet on the road without their travel papers

Tag is an amnesiac. That's all he knows. All he knows is that he knows nothing about himself and that this girl, this Ellowyn, has decided to take a chance and bring him along with her.

There's a puzzle to solve, one neither of them ever knew about that stretches much wider than they could have ever believed- Past the abandoned and overrun settlement in Rennes and the vengeful gang leader with the Midas Touch.

And, unbeknownst to them, they've walked right into the eye of the storm.

Into the heart of the ENIGMA.

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