chapter 2

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Jalya p.o.v
Never part of any crowd
'Cause her head's up on some cloud
No denying she's a funny girl that Belle

Bonjour, good day
How is your family?
Bonjour, good day
How is your wife?
I need six eggs
That's too expensive!
There must be more than this provincial life!

Ah, If it isn't the only bookworm in town!
So, where did you run off to this week?

Two cities in Northern Italy
I didn't want to come back
Have you got any new places to go?

I love Belle so much. She's so pretty and smart. I'm so obsessed Beauty and the Beast!

*Nate pulls his finger through her hair*

I jumped when I felt someone playing with my hair. I turned around to see my daddy playing with my hair. He has that playful sexy smirk on his face. yummy! I quickly turned back to Beauty and the Beast. I slowly feel myself being picked Up. I realize that he started walking away from the TV. I started getting fussy because I wanted to watch the TV.

"Daddy" I said while looking at him and putting both of my hands on his cheeks. He tilted his head and kissed my hand.

"Yes my love" he said one looking you straight in the eyes. Oh boy!

"Beauty beauty" I mumbled quietly

" My love I know how much you love the movie. I could tell by the way you were intently watching it. Don't worry I already it moved the movie into my office. So you can watch it while daddy is talking to his friend." I got so excited I kissed him. Wait! Oh butternuts! I'm in trouble!

" My love,you're not in trouble and you're welcome you can kiss daddy as much as you like. Daddy loves it when his little one kiss him." He said while winking. Wait, how did he know that I thought I was in trouble? Was I talking out loud?

"Yes, you are my little one" oh fudgesicles! I know where we were in Daddy's office. We were leaving his playroom in walking into his office. I see that daddy's friend is sitting down. I  don't really care about him. I really just wanted to see my Beauty and the Beast. I still have my hands on Daddy's cheaks I realized it because daddy started nibbling on my finger. I giggled. Daddy sits down and I automatically drop my head into the crook of his neck. He unpause is Beauty and the Beast and I sure watching not paying attention to daddy and his friends.

Nate p.o.v
When I sat down with my little one. I felt her drop her head down into the crook of my neck, and start watching Beauty and the Beast. Obviously she really loves it because every time I turn it on; She watches it has a life depends on it. She's so adorable. I was just looking at her with adoration.

"Is this your little one?"Venancio said trying to get a look at her face, but unfortunately she was so intently watching the movie that he couldn't even get a peek at her face. She probably wasn't even paying attention to us to be honest.

"She seems well trained."Venancio said he stared at her. The thing about him is that he is the number one most ruthless dominant out there. He doesn't have a sub or a little one because every female is afraid of him. He has one at work but she's more of a toy. Everyone knows that if you want a submissive or a little one trained you go to him for one or his clubs they'll train your submissive so quick.

"If it turns out that she does in fact need training bring her to me personally. I'll put her in her place real quick, but I don't think she'll need it. She seems to be very focused on her movie and not focus on what we're said which good thing. Little ones aren't supposed to be nosey. Anyway it was nice doing business with you don't mess this up or else" I nodded while getting up to shake Venancio's hand. My little one didn't even notice that I got up. She was still focused on the TV. Venancio shook my hand and started walking out. I turned around with my little one, and she started getting fussy I know that that meant she wanted to watch the movie.I chuckled while watching her eyes Dart to Venancio. Then get fussy again she wanted her movie.

"My love Daddy's going give him a minute. Please before daddy spank you" She turned as red as a tomato, and blushed. Oh my little one's is kinky. I laid her down on the couch that I had in my office. So I can take a break with my little ones. I pause the movie and my little one looked at me quickly as if someone were it take away her favorite stuffy. I chuckled and brought her close to me. I put my forehead against hers. I put my hands on her cheeks and slowly bring my thumb up and down her cheeks. I stared her in the eyes, she so fuck adorable I swear.

"Little one  would you like to spend the night with?" She deeply blushed and stared at me.

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