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_________________   London, 28.09.13 SAT

Dear friend,

I don’t know how to start explaining this, but something incredible happened. I’m still not quite sure whether I should fear the situation I’m in or try to overcome it. Yesterday evening, after having been to the park with the dog, I was just walking down the street to my house, when I saw a black car parked right in front of it. Ours is a small neighbourhood and we know each other pretty well. However, no one of my neighbours, nor any of their usual guests have such a car. I was a bit intrigued, obviously, and quickly walked up the rest to my front door.

Just when I arrived next to it and was about to risk a short look into the inside of the car, I heard a cough behind me. Of course, I turned around momentarily, just to be shocked by the view that was provided to my eyes. He was wearing a dark suit and a pair of even darker sunglasses, standing there next to this, probably his, car and waiting for god knows what. Though I had a good idea of why he could be here, I was hoping badly that I was wrong. You can’t imagine the amount of blood that was pumping through my veins in that moment! I felt like I would collapse any moment. Watching him from afar in the park had already thrilled me, but this was an indescribably scary feeling.

He wasn’t moving or saying anything, so I recovered as quickly as I could and decided to pretend like nothing happened. I attempted to turn around and walk to my front door, but was hold back by his hands gripping my right arm. He had a somewhat tight grip, so I squirmed. He pulled away at once. He apologized and said he didn’t want to hurt me, but that he needed to talk to me. You know, I was still really scared about the whole thing, so I went on with pretending as if I didn’t know him.

I told him that I didn’t know what he was talking about and said that I didn’t know him. He took off his sunglasses that moment and I swear, I was about to tell him to let me go, but the words were stuck to my throat. I couldn’t bring out another word. He was staring intensely at me and I was not able to look away. His tone was calm, but I sensed the growing anger behind that façade. He said I better not try to play tricks on him, because I’d regret it later on. You have to understand this; I was not able to collect my thoughts properly, so I did something very stupid. I tried to kick him and run away, but as expected, it didn’t work. He grabbed my arm and waist, so I couldn’t move anywhere. But after a moment, my screams caused some of the neighbours to open their windows and witness the situation. Luckily. Otherwise, I don’t even want to imagine what would have happened. He quickly let go of me and gave me one last warning glare before saying: “You missed your chance.” Then he climbed into his car and drove off.

Uncertainty // z.m.Where stories live. Discover now